
Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke

Their bromance has gone bitter, the love has turned to hate. Why?

Campaign Cash: Democrats File Complaint Against Gableman
Campaign Cash

Democrats File Complaint Against Gableman

Claiming he violated code of conduct by helping Republican fundraiser.

Op Ed: Underage Voting Shows Lack of Education
Op Ed

Underage Voting Shows Lack of Education

Voting by 17-year-olds shows need for voter education, training of election officials.

City Proposal Protects Students

City Proposal Protects Students

Protections target for-profit colleges that leave students with huge debts.

The State of Politics: Trump Budget Threatens State Spending
The State of Politics

Trump Budget Threatens State Spending

Impact could be huge: 29 percent of state budget funded by federal grants.

Court Watch: Drunk Driving Law’s Annual Cost $20 Million?
Court Watch

Drunk Driving Law’s Annual Cost $20 Million?

Walker, Corrections won’t estimate cost of longer prison time for offenders.

Campaign Cash: Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs
Campaign Cash

Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs

Democratic bill says property tax bills must show cost to local school district.

Wisconsin Budget: 80% Want More State K-12 Funding
Wisconsin Budget

80% Want More State K-12 Funding

New poll also finds 75% of state residents are happy with their local schools.

Op Ed: ALEC Wants New U.S. Constitution
Op Ed

ALEC Wants New U.S. Constitution

Corporate-funded right-wing group is driving force for constitutional convention.

Campaign Cash: Corporations Gave $1.3 Million to Politicians
Campaign Cash

Corporations Gave $1.3 Million to Politicians

Allowed by new state law. $827,000 given to state GOP, $479,000 to Democrats.

Op Ed: Please Rethink Those Trump Tariffs
Op Ed

Please Rethink Those Trump Tariffs

A tariff wall will just force companies like mine to raise prices.

Hair Stylists Face Daunting State Rules

Hair Stylists Face Daunting State Rules

1,550 hours training, 3,712 hours apprenticeship required to get license.