
Wisconsin Budget: Sales Tax Holiday Bad for Budget
Wisconsin Budget

Sales Tax Holiday Bad for Budget

Walker wants it, some GOP legislators condemn it. Why?

Op Ed: High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal
Op Ed

High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal

Dumps proposal by 54 retired judges, assures big money influence.

Wisconsin Budget: Expand Earned Income Tax Credit?
Wisconsin Budget

Expand Earned Income Tax Credit?

Walker favors it. Would help low-income working families.

Murphy’s Law: The Failed Promise of Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Failed Promise of Miller Park

It didn’t make Brewers more competitive, yet its price tag keeps rising.

Campaign Cash: WMC Opposes Lead Pipes Bill
Campaign Cash

WMC Opposes Lead Pipes Bill

Business lobbyist opposes loans to homeowners to replace pipes.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Why Strip Club Deal Fell Apart
Eyes on Milwaukee

Why Strip Club Deal Fell Apart

Deal would have ended suits against city if council okayed new club.

Op Ed: Is Wisconsin Now a Red State?
Op Ed

Is Wisconsin Now a Red State?

With Ziegler victory, Democrats' decline, state now looks very red.

Campaign Cash: That’s a Whole Lot of Manure
Campaign Cash

That’s a Whole Lot of Manure

55 million gallons per year from one mega farm; $75,000 to politicians.

Wisconsin Budget: State Taxes Lowest for Wealthiest
Wisconsin Budget

State Taxes Lowest for Wealthiest

Top 1% of state pay 6.2% of income, middle-class pays 10%.

Murphy’s Law: The Tax Handout for Rich Kids
Murphy’s Law

The Tax Handout for Rich Kids

State's “neo-vouchers” reimburse wealthy for kids at elite private schools.

Eyes on Milwaukee: County Gets Waiver on Streetcar
Eyes on Milwaukee

County Gets Waiver on Streetcar

Still in running to operate city's streetcar, but a long shot to win.

The State of Politics: State Targets Tax Evaders
The State of Politics

State Targets Tax Evaders

New enforcement agents could collect $400 million in taxes owed.