
Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Still Upset with Chief Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Still Upset with Chief Flynn

"Damn right hold it again" proclaims alderman Bob Donovan. Council wants more control of chief.

The State of Politics: Ellis, Prosser Say Raise the Gas Tax
The State of Politics

Ellis, Prosser Say Raise the Gas Tax

Two former Republican leaders urge current leaders to stand up to Walker.

Op Ed: Why I Oppose Foxconn Deal
Op Ed

Why I Oppose Foxconn Deal

Rep. Brostoff on corporate extortion, suicide nets and the race to the bottom.

Op Ed: Women Need Health Care, Too
Op Ed

Women Need Health Care, Too

Congressmen’s wives and daughters are covered. Why not the rest of us?

The Contrarian: Walker’s Reelection Now A Certainty
The Contrarian

Walker’s Reelection Now A Certainty

Foxconn deal would make him a 10 point favorite if Las Vegas offered odds.

Wisconsin Budget: Economic Recovery Lags for Minorities
Wisconsin Budget

Economic Recovery Lags for Minorities

Blacks, Latinos have higher poverty, unemployment, huge wealth gap.

50 Years After the Marches: Common Council More Diverse Today, But…
50 Years After the Marches

Common Council More Diverse Today, But…

Other cities have done better at embracing diversity.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Foxconn Loves Wisconsin, Walker
Eyes on Milwaukee

Foxconn Loves Wisconsin, Walker

Gou says governor is top reason Foxconn coming. Abele has county site in play.

Op Ed: Plague of Floods Caused by Climate Change
Op Ed

Plague of Floods Caused by Climate Change

Dozens of 100-year floods in 30 years, roads keep getting washed out.

New City Tax Needed, Officials Say

New City Tax Needed, Officials Say

Reacting to new report, area legislators say Milwaukee needs sales or income tax.

Campaign Cash: 34% of Walker Donations From Outside State
Campaign Cash

34% of Walker Donations From Outside State

Analysis of his 2017 fundraising shows 31 people gave $20,000 each.

Data Wonk: Has Barrett Driven Up City Debt?
Data Wonk

Has Barrett Driven Up City Debt?

Conservative MacIver Institute says yes. Let’s look at the data.