
Data Wonk: Biden or Trump Better for Economy?
Data Wonk

Biden or Trump Better for Economy?

Moody’s Analytics breaks it down. The difference is huge.

Biden Up 5 Points in Final MU Poll

Biden Up 5 Points in Final MU Poll

Margin unchanged since last poll, still 10% who pick neither candidate.

Local Resources Help Disabled Voters Cast Ballots

Local Resources Help Disabled Voters Cast Ballots

City offers curbside voting and machines designed for people with vision, hearing, physical disabilities.

Kavanaugh Opinion on State’s Election Called “Ominous”

Kavanaugh Opinion on State’s Election Called “Ominous”

Supreme Court justice echoes Trump’s view that election day must decide final vote.

Tuesday Was Last Day to Safely Mail Ballot

Tuesday Was Last Day to Safely Mail Ballot

Use a dropbox, or bring your ballot to your local clerk's office, among other options.

Op Ed: Lead Poisoning and a Listening Session
Op Ed

Lead Poisoning and a Listening Session

More funds needed to protect city’s children. And more media attention to the issue.

Could Vos Be Tossed Out By Voters?

Could Vos Be Tossed Out By Voters?

His handling of pandemic blasted by opposition groups.

Mayors of 5 Largest Cities Issue Voting Challenge

Mayors of 5 Largest Cities Issue Voting Challenge

Barrett, four other mayors in state will compete for who gets most early and absentee ballots.

You Can Fix Your Rejected Ballot

You Can Fix Your Rejected Ballot

1,400 Wisconsin voters have turned in faulty absentee ballots. It’s not too late to fix it.

Back in the News: Trump Tells 131 Whoppers in Janesville
Back in the News

Trump Tells 131 Whoppers in Janesville

In 90 minute speech, President Trump made 131 false or inaccurate statements.

US Supreme Court Won’t Extend State’s Ballot Deadline

US Supreme Court Won’t Extend State’s Ballot Deadline

Democrats argued flood of absentee ballots meant many would be received after Election Day.

Murphy’s Law: Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?
Murphy’s Law

Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?

Three groups are working hard -- and spending big -- to turn out these voters.