
Op Ed: Mistake? Foxconn Was a Whopper
Op Ed

Mistake? Foxconn Was a Whopper

How could Republican federal and state leaders have been so wrong?

Ballot Dropboxes A Safe Option for Absentee Voting

Ballot Dropboxes A Safe Option for Absentee Voting

Local clerks around the state have installed ballot dropboxes.

WI Supreme Court Sows Confusion After Declining Ballot Error Case

WI Supreme Court Sows Confusion After Declining Ballot Error Case

Outagamie and Calumet county election officials uncertain what to do with misprinted ballots

250K Absentee Ballots Still Not Returned in Wisconsin

250K Absentee Ballots Still Not Returned in Wisconsin

It's now too late to mail them, elections commission administrator said.

People of Color Could Disproportionately Lose Vote To Absentee Ballot Rejection

People of Color Could Disproportionately Lose Vote To Absentee Ballot Rejection

White voters are less likely to vote by mail in Wisconsin.

Hackers Steal $2.3 Million from State GOP

Hackers Steal $2.3 Million from State GOP

A "sophisticated phishing attack" stole from Trump reelection fund.

City Hall: Almost Half of Budget Amendments Are Policy Footnotes
City Hall

Almost Half of Budget Amendments Are Policy Footnotes

Footnotes call for a racial equity audit, benches in vacant lots, lead-safe property database and much more.

Is Trump a Problem for Down Ballot Republicans?

Is Trump a Problem for Down Ballot Republicans?

If he is, Wisconsin's gerrymandered districts could soften the blow.

Vos Might Consider COVID-19 Legislation

Vos Might Consider COVID-19 Legislation

The Assembly Speaker is 'open' to a second COVID-19 relief bill, if there is no federal bill.

State Spends 15th Most on Police, Corrections

State Spends 15th Most on Police, Corrections

Heavily Democratic states spend bigger percentage of budget on this, study finds.

State Supreme Court Hearing Challenge to Governor’s Emergency Powers

State Supreme Court Hearing Challenge to Governor’s Emergency Powers

Conservative petitioner donated $20,000 to Justice Rebecca Bradley in 2016.

City Hall: President Must ‘Help Guide Us’ Mayor Declares
City Hall

President Must ‘Help Guide Us’ Mayor Declares

Addressing Press Club, urges more federal aid and clear message: "Wear the damn mask!"