
Campaign Cash: Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans
Campaign Cash

Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans

$5.3 million spent on legislative races by Democratic advocacy groups, $2.9 million by GOP groups.

Trump Courts Kenosha Again

Trump Courts Kenosha Again

The country "is very well united,” he tells large crowd at Kenosha regional airport.

1,850 Communities Counting Ballots

1,850 Communities Counting Ballots

Across state, starting at 7 a.m., including 1.9 million absentee votes. Officials say all votes will be counted.

How To Follow Election Results

How To Follow Election Results

Where to check results. And why you should be patient. Election officials say it will take until Wednesday to count all votes.

How Urban Milwaukee Will Cover Election

How Urban Milwaukee Will Cover Election

We're focused on substance, not clicks, and local, not national.

Vote Tuesday: Your Guide to Down Ballot Races
Vote Tuesday

Your Guide to Down Ballot Races

Trump versus Biden isn't the only ballot item. Here's information on 13 other races across the county

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

Wisconsin has had two kinds of presidental elections. Which one this time?

Back in the News: Study Finds Trump Rallies Spread Virus
Back in the News

Study Finds Trump Rallies Spread Virus

Caused 30,000 COVID-19 cases, may have led to 700 deaths, report estimates. Oshkosh rally a kay part of study.

The State of Politics: $1 Million Legislative Races Now Common
The State of Politics

$1 Million Legislative Races Now Common

For a job paying $52,000. This year the Democrats are out-spending Republicans.

Hospitalized or Quarantined Can Still Vote

Hospitalized or Quarantined Can Still Vote

Options include finding someone to deliver your ballot or using curbside voting.

Judge Orders USPS To Deliver Ballots Faster

Judge Orders USPS To Deliver Ballots Faster

Wisconsin among 14 states suing post office, now ordered to accelerate delivery of ballots.

Non-Profits Help Get Out the Vote

Non-Profits Help Get Out the Vote

Mercy Housing, Via Community Development and others turning out city voters.