
Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law

Makes it easier to sell substandard lots. Backed by big business, realtors, Koch group.

How North Point Lighthouse Fights Pollution

How North Point Lighthouse Fights Pollution

Working with MMSD to reduce polluted runoff, keep the beach and lake clean.

Echo: UWM Program Stocks Lakes With Sturgeon

UWM Program Stocks Lakes With Sturgeon

School of Freshwater Sciences raises huge fish to repopulate Great Lakes.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Okays Waukesha Water Deal
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Okays Waukesha Water Deal

Key council committee approves largest collaborative deal in region's history.

Op Ed: State’s Impaired Waters Jump by 20%
Op Ed

State’s Impaired Waters Jump by 20%

DNR adds another 240 waterways that are officially impaired, bringing total to 1,300.

Campaign Cash: New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads
Campaign Cash

New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads

Natural Resources Development Association did ads attacking mining opponents.

Campaign Cash: Bill Would Let Utilities Destroy Wetlands
Campaign Cash

Bill Would Let Utilities Destroy Wetlands

They donated $1.9 million to politicians, want bill letting them take over wetlands.

North Side Muslims Embrace Solar Power

North Side Muslims Embrace Solar Power

Dawah Islamic Center part of a movement promoted by the Wisconsin Green Muslims.

Op Ed: Why Not Gov. Walker State Park?
Op Ed

Why Not Gov. Walker State Park?

If it embodies his style of serving the public, oh what a park it will be.

School Sisters Going Solar

School Sisters Going Solar

Congregation installing panels at their Sacred Heart building on South Side.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City To Sell Water to Waukesha
Eyes on Milwaukee

City To Sell Water to Waukesha

After years of debate, Waukesha and Milwaukee strike a historic, 40-year deal.

Op Ed: Restore Funding for Great Lakes
Op Ed

Restore Funding for Great Lakes

And for the federal EPA. The nation and Wisconsin will benefit.