Data Wonk

Data Wonk: How Will Trumpcare Affect Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

How Will Trumpcare Affect Wisconsin?

The bottom line: worse health and 1,000 additional deaths per year.

Data Wonk: Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?
Data Wonk

Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?

Past cases show Supreme Court is reluctant to overrule district courts.

Data Wonk: Is Manufacturing in Decline?
Data Wonk

Is Manufacturing in Decline?

Recent trends are down in Wisconsin, but hardly a cause for panic.

Data Wonk: Who is Leaving Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Who is Leaving Wisconsin?

And why?

Data Wonk: You Dare Not Question Scott Walker
Data Wonk

You Dare Not Question Scott Walker

A Federalist column attacks my conclusion that governors have little impact on the economy.

Data Wonk: US Supreme Court Wrong on Redistricting?
Data Wonk

US Supreme Court Wrong on Redistricting?

By focusing only on racial gerrymandering justices miss the bigger picture.

Data Wonk: Why GOP Backs Gerrymander
Data Wonk

Why GOP Backs Gerrymander

Once leaders both parties' leaders opposed it. Why did Republicans change?

Data Wonk: State’s Political Map At Issue
Data Wonk

State’s Political Map At Issue

Does geography or gerrymandering give a GOP edge? U.S. Supreme Court could decide.

Data Wonk: Does Tax Credit Make State a Winner?
Data Wonk

Does Tax Credit Make State a Winner?

An Econ professor and Walker fan uses shaky research to say yes.

Data Wonk: Can Governors Do Much About Economy?
Data Wonk

Can Governors Do Much About Economy?

Less than people think. But more, perhaps, than Walker is doing.

Data Wonk: ALEC and Wisconsin’s Economy
Data Wonk

ALEC and Wisconsin’s Economy

ALEC ranks state high for its policies, but they haven’t improved economy.

Data Wonk: WMC Manufactures Bogus Data
Data Wonk

WMC Manufactures Bogus Data

Does it show Manufacturing & Agriculture tax credit creates jobs? Nope.