Data Wonk
Can Government Break Its Promises?
Obamacare law’s promises to insurers later broken by Republicans. Courts will decide if that’s legal
Nov 27th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonWhy Raise the Minimum Wage
The data is now overwhelming on the positive effect in states that did so.
Nov 20th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonThe Charter School Dilemma
They perform better and are supported by most black voters — but opposed by most white Democrats.
Nov 13th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonNAEP Test Results Bad News for MPS
They’ve also gone down for the state. How can we do better?
Nov 6th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonWhat’s Causing Decline in Insured Children?
Health insurance for kids declined in some states including Wisconsin under Walker. Why?
Oct 30th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonSegregation in Milwaukee Area Schools
The data tells a sobering story of racial and economic separation.
Oct 16th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonDo ‘Checkoff Groups’ Help or Hurt Family Dairy Farms?
Federally-required agricultural promotion organizations may not benefit small dairy farms
Oct 9th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonDoes the Growing Partisan Divide Make Sense?
As the global economy changed, so did traditional Republican and Democratic constituencies.
Oct 2nd, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonThe Use and Abuse of Jobs Data
Walker administration used flimsy interpretations of jobs reports to put a positive spin on the state's economy.
Sep 25th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonRethinking State Economic Policies
What do state policies on Foxconn and dairy industry have in common?
Sep 18th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonGerrymandering Is Built on Lies
Which is why the North Carolina plan was overruled. Wisconsin’s is very similar.
Sep 12th, 2019 by Bruce ThompsonComparing Wisconsin and Minnesota
Minnesota doing worse? MacIver cherry picks data to make this claim.
Sep 4th, 2019 by Bruce Thompson