Data Wonk

Data Wonk: Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy
Data Wonk

Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy

Reading through the lawsuits, you can see why judges rejected them

Data Wonk: State’s Leadership Vacuum Is Killing People
Data Wonk

State’s Leadership Vacuum Is Killing People

Deaths per day will double by Christmas. And red counties are getting hit the worst.

Data Wonk: The Republican Push For Autocracy
Data Wonk

The Republican Push For Autocracy

Analysis shows GOP now resembles authoritarian parties in Hungary and Turkey.

Data Wonk: Can Biden Improve the Economy?
Data Wonk

Can Biden Improve the Economy?

Democratic presidents typically do better, but Biden will face an obvious challenge.

Data Wonk: ‘Bleak Winter’ Coming for Wisconsin
Data Wonk

‘Bleak Winter’ Coming for Wisconsin

The numbers show COVID-19 exploding. True leadership is sorely needed.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Losing War Against COVID-19
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Losing War Against COVID-19

Both on the health and economic front, harder hit than most states. Why?

Data Wonk: How Republicans Screwed Themselves
Data Wonk

How Republicans Screwed Themselves

Opposition to mask mandate by GOP is bad law and very bad politics.

Data Wonk: The Republican Death Squad
Data Wonk

The Republican Death Squad

Why won’t Vos and Fitzgerald support measures to contain the state’s pandemic surge?

Data Wonk: The State of American Judiciary in 2020
Data Wonk

The State of American Judiciary in 2020

ACA rulings show a disturbing right-wing activism. It could get worse.

Data Wonk: Supreme Court Shows Its Colors
Data Wonk

Supreme Court Shows Its Colors

What the Green Party ruling tells about the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?

The data is alarming. As are the many allies of the virus.

Data Wonk: Has Trump Been Good for the Economy?
Data Wonk

Has Trump Been Good for the Economy?

What people believe about the economy and what the data shows.