
Murphy’s Law: Why Businesses Are Moving To The City
Murphy’s Law

Why Businesses Are Moving To The City

Many are moving from suburbs to Downtown and Walker's Point, seeking younger workers.

Plenty of Horne: MIAD Students Could Be Future Stars
Plenty of Horne

MIAD Students Could Be Future Stars

School's increasing emphasis on designs with immediate commercial applications yields interesting results at spring Gallery Night.

YP Week: How To Become An Entrepreneur
YP Week

How To Become An Entrepreneur

Panel at The Commons offers advice, encouragement, and anecdotes.

Kiva Already Funding City Entrepreneurs

Kiva Already Funding City Entrepreneurs

In less than two months, 28 small businesses have gotten loans. Kiva hopes to increase that to 200.

Can Ray Cross Reposition the UW System?

Can Ray Cross Reposition the UW System?

Legislators see it as a Madison-centered liberal redoubt. Maybe it needs a stronger base in Milwaukee.

Data Wonk: Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future
Data Wonk

Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future

Two commentators fiercely disagree as to whether Wisconsin has turned the corner. Who’s right?

Murphy’s Law: Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?
Murphy’s Law

Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?

Actually, local taxpayers will be donating $450 million. But the press won’t report the details.

Data Wonk: Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?
Data Wonk

Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?

Logic of the law’s supporters suggest this -- and other terrible things -- will happen.

Data Wonk: Milwaukee a Leader in City Center Job Growth
Data Wonk

Milwaukee a Leader in City Center Job Growth

So says a recent study. But is the data more than a passing fad?

Kiva Comes to Town

Kiva Comes to Town

Global micro-loan program for small businesses expands to Milwaukee, and city fund will match its loans.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship

Prospectus shows all 13 newspapers the new Journal company absorbs are losing money.

Data Wonk: Testing Walker’s Jobs Theory
Data Wonk

Testing Walker’s Jobs Theory

He’s embraced a low-taxes approach used by other states, which has been a failure.