Arts & Entertainment

Sponsored: American Guitarist Adam Holzman Concert

American Guitarist Adam Holzman Concert

Presented by UWM’s Guitar Series. April 14 at 7:30pm in Music Recital Hall (MUS 175). 2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.

How the Arts Can Change City

How the Arts Can Change City

Panelists discuss importance, future of arts in Milwaukee urban life.

Theater: Regrets, They Have a Few

Regrets, They Have a Few

Four actors deftly stretch time and memory in “Bloomsday.”

Bar Exam: Bosco’s Is a Baseball Tavern
Bar Exam

Bosco’s Is a Baseball Tavern

Riverwest bar once was next to gas station owned by Bob Uecker's father.

Classical: The Miró Quartet’s Ambitious Encore

The Miró Quartet’s Ambitious Encore

The quartet's 2014 Frankly Music appearance was impressive. Expect nothing less.

Dining: Lovely Bits of Britain

Lovely Bits of Britain

Red Lion Pub offers tasty British fare, big portions, good service.

Celebrating 16 Black-Owned Restaurants

Celebrating 16 Black-Owned Restaurants

Milwaukee Black Restaurant Week spotlights a variety of restaurants, cafes.

Now Serving: New Brazilian Steakhouse, New Pizzeria
Now Serving

New Brazilian Steakhouse, New Pizzeria

And good bye Karl Ratzsch, Wine Maniacs.

Music: The Other Taylor Comes to Town

The Other Taylor Comes to Town

Livingston Taylor, James’ brother and Tom Chapin, Harry’s brother, perform Saturday.

Band of the Week: Yo-Dot Could Be Big Tomorrow
Band of the Week

Yo-Dot Could Be Big Tomorrow

Up-and-coming Milwaukee rapper really studies music culture.

Former Bucks Player Inspires Students

Former Bucks Player Inspires Students

Desmond Mason works with Express Yourself, offers students lessons in life.

TV Show “My Flippin’ Friends” Set Here

TV Show “My Flippin’ Friends” Set Here

New HGTV show features five friends flipping homes in Milwaukee.