Related Articles - Page 5

The State of Politics: Transportation Funding Problem Grows
The State of Politics

Transportation Funding Problem Grows

The next state budget could face a $600 million transportation fund deficit.

The State of Politics: Happy Days Are Here Again
The State of Politics

Happy Days Are Here Again

Gov. Walker’s State-of-the-State speech will be singing a very positive song.

The State of Politics: How to End the Income Tax
The State of Politics

How to End the Income Tax

Tax pros offer suggestions to Gov. Walker.

Why Do People Hate the Property Tax?

Why Do People Hate the Property Tax?

10 questions and answers about your property tax bill

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Federal bill could yield more than $70 million in annual sales tax for Wisconsin. Walker says he would use for income tax relief.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About State Taxes
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About State Taxes

They were never lower than under Jim Doyle, as new data shows.

Murphy’s Law: In Defense of Goo Goos
Murphy’s Law

In Defense of Goo Goos

Why we need the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and Wisconsin Taxpayer’s Alliance.

Murphy’s Law: Tommy the Taxer
Murphy’s Law

Tommy the Taxer

The old tax-and-spend governor Republican may be far too moderate to win the Republican Senate primary.

History and Walker’s Jobs Claim

History and Walker’s Jobs Claim

On election night, Governor-elect Scott Walker promised Wisconsin 250,000 news jobs by the end of 2014. Critics claim the goal is unrealistic and his jobs plan as lacking and juvenile.

Murphy’s Law: Why Gov. McCallum’s Spending Priorities Were Wrong
Murphy’s Law

Why Gov. McCallum’s Spending Priorities Were Wrong

As the legislature wrestles with the state budget deficit, there has been talk of cutting every level of government except the schools.

Murphy’s Law: Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?

In the wake of the tragedy in New York and Washington, the Democratic candidates for governor have slowed down their campaigning, but they have been strategizing as to what the major issues will be in next fall's election.

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