Related Articles - Page 4

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico

And how Trump’s get-tough policies will hurt the state.

WisTax: State Losing Population Though Migration

State Losing Population Though Migration

27,000 people migrated since 2010, as Wisconsin's workforce declines.

The State of Politics: Huge Tax Change Coming?
The State of Politics

Huge Tax Change Coming?

Proposed deal would end business personal property tax and raise gas tax by same amount.

WisTax: Statewide Property Values up 3% in 2016

Statewide Property Values up 3% in 2016

Yet values are still below the pre-recession peak in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Wisconsin “Undecided” in Presidential Election?
The State of Politics

Wisconsin “Undecided” in Presidential Election?

One in five are undecided, independent or neither party voters in presidential race.

Murphy’s Law: State Lottery Preys on the Poor
Murphy’s Law

State Lottery Preys on the Poor

Even winners lose from this hugely inefficient tax on the poor.

The State of Politics: Who Wins From Walker Tax Cuts?
The State of Politics

Who Wins From Walker Tax Cuts?

There are many winners... depending on how you analyze data.

The State of Politics: Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly
The State of Politics

Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly

By 0.6%, but the tax has still dropped 3.9% since Walker took office.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Rotten Return on Federal Taxes Paid
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Rotten Return on Federal Taxes Paid

New report shows we’re the fourth worst state in federal spending received. Walker’s policies don’t help.

Murphy’s Law: Gas Tax Insanity
Murphy’s Law

Gas Tax Insanity

Bipartisan opposition to the gas tax is causing potholes and rising car repair bills, and hurting the state economy.

Murphy’s Law: Too Pure for Pork
Murphy’s Law

Too Pure for Pork

Gov. Walker is a latest of state politicians from both parties who have an aversion to federal funds.

The State of Politics: How to Change the State Tax Burden
The State of Politics

How to Change the State Tax Burden

New report proposes reducing property and income taxes by broadening the sales tax.

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