Related Articles - Page 6

Now Serving: Two New Restaurants Opening Downtown
Now Serving

Two New Restaurants Opening Downtown

New Hibachi grill on Mason and new juice bar and cafe on MLK Dr.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Downtown Building Grows Apartments
Eyes on Milwaukee

Downtown Building Grows Apartments

Century Building would (mostly) convert from offices to 50 low-income residential units.

Now Serving: More Asian Food for Milwaukee
Now Serving

More Asian Food for Milwaukee

New Szechuan place for East Side and new Japanese and Thai places coming to Tosa.

Now Serving: Rare Steakhouse Coming Soon
Now Serving

Rare Steakhouse Coming Soon

Milwaukee also adds City Lights Brewery and Ian's Pizza is on the move.

Now Serving: New Restaurant, New Bar in Walker’s Point
Now Serving

New Restaurant, New Bar in Walker’s Point

Merriment Social and Camino will add still more food and drink to a hot neighborhood.

Now Serving: The Return of River Horse?
Now Serving

The Return of River Horse?

New bar coming to Riverwest. New empanadas place opens on Brady.

Plats and Parcels: Bay View’s Golden Age?
Plats and Parcels

Bay View’s Golden Age?

A proposal for five new apartment buildings in Bay View. And will At Random be razed?

Plenty of Horne: We Want a New Arena!
Plenty of Horne

We Want a New Arena!

Bradley Center rally organized by MMAC featured five speakers touting the benefits of building a taxpayer-subsidized NBA arena.

Plats and Parcels: Bucks Create a Media Orgy!
Plats and Parcels

Bucks Create a Media Orgy!

Their press conference releasing the plan for new arena and development generated at least 20 stories. Mission accomplished.

Now Serving: New Afro-Jamaican Restaurant Coming
Now Serving

New Afro-Jamaican Restaurant Coming

Plus a revamped John Hawks and Choco Bella will move.

House Confidential: Milwaukee Booster Lives in… Shorewood
House Confidential

Milwaukee Booster Lives in… Shorewood co-owner Jeff Sherman and his wife have a Colonial home in the suburbs, but he tries to downplay this.

City Business: Refuge Smoothie Café
City Business

Refuge Smoothie Café

Joshua Janis is building an empire of fruit smoothies, one cafe at a time.

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