American Bridge 21st Century

Recent Articles

Higher Prices, Worse Lives- Derrick Van Orden Turning the “American Dream” into an American Nightmare
Van Orden has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 175k on Social Security + 90k on Medicaid in His Own District
WI-03 Rep. Derrick Van Orden Blames the “Democratic Party and the Deep State” for the Spending Freeze
Press Release

WI-03 Rep. Derrick Van Orden Blames the “Democratic Party and the Deep State” for the Spending Freeze

“ lies solely on the shoulders of the Democrat Party and the deep state…It's their fault.”

What You Need to Know About Carpetbagging California Multimillionaire Eric Hovde
WI Supreme Court Race: Daniel Kelly Advances as Right-Wing Candidate
Tim Michels Allegedly Failed to Disclose Dozens of LLCs and Properties to Hide Extent of His Personal Wealth
Ron Johnson Defends Cutting His Own Taxes—Again
Oshkosh UAW Worker To Ron Johnson: “You Haven’t Been Well Informed”
Press Release

Oshkosh UAW Worker To Ron Johnson: “You Haven’t Been Well Informed”

Johnson is continuing to take heat from Wisconsinites over his refusal to fight for 1,000 good-paying jobs in his hometown of Oshkosh

Ron Johnson Doubles Down Against Hometown Jobs
Press Release

Ron Johnson Doubles Down Against Hometown Jobs


Ron Johnson Has A Lot To Answer For As He Runs For Re-Election
Press Release

Ron Johnson Has A Lot To Answer For As He Runs For Re-Election

“Ron Johnson has been a great Senator for his biggest billionaire donors and corporate backers, but a lousy representative for the Wisconsin families he’s repeatedly sold out.”

New Year, Same Terrible Senator: Ron Johnson Kicks Off 2022 With Another Week Of Coverage Highlighting His Lies
New In 2022: Fewer Surprise Medical Bills—No Thanks To Ron Johnson
Press Release

New In 2022: Fewer Surprise Medical Bills—No Thanks To Ron Johnson

Johnson voted against the “No Surprises Act,” despite its patient protections

Four Years Ago This Week: Ron Johnson Pushed To Slash His Billionaire Megadonors’ Taxes
Multimillionaire Ron Johnson Still Ducking Questions on How He Paid Just $2,105 in 2017 State Income Tax
Coverage Roundup: Ron Johnson Made $450,000 in 2017, But Paid Just $2,105 in State Income Tax
2017: Ron Johnson Made At Least $450,000
Press Release

2017: Ron Johnson Made At Least $450,000

But Paid LESS in State Income Tax Than a Wisconsin Couple Earning $40,000

Local and Tribal Health Agencies to Receive $58 Million in COVID Relief Funding — Opposed by Ron Johnson
Press Release

Local and Tribal Health Agencies to Receive $58 Million in COVID Relief Funding — Opposed by Ron Johnson

Johnson has spread misinformation and opposed efforts to boost the pandemic recovery

ProPublica Report: Ron Johnson Secured $200-Million Tax Break for His Biggest Billionaire Backers
Who’s Trying to Oust Ron Johnson?
Press Release

Who’s Trying to Oust Ron Johnson?

Behind the scenes (and on background), at least some Wisconsin Republicans are bad-mouthing Ron Johnson and seeking to position others to replace him

Medicare Turns 56: Democrats Look to Strengthen Program, While Senate Republicans Eye Cuts
Ron Johnson Votes to Block Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
Press Release

Ron Johnson Votes to Block Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Putting partisan politics first, Johnson voted to block consideration of a bipartisan infrastructure deal to create good-paying jobs and invest in communities across the country

Ron Johnson Can’t be Trusted to Tell the Truth Or Put Wisconsin Families First
Press Release

Ron Johnson Can’t be Trusted to Tell the Truth Or Put Wisconsin Families First

“We don’t know what motivates this one-man campaign of misinformation... but it’s clear this is a deliberate effort and not just a few stray comments.” --Washington Post’s Fact Checker

What Wisconsinites are Reading and Watching: Ron Johnson Caught Lying to Voters
Wisconsin Doctor: “Sen. Johnson Should Cancel Anti-Vaccine Event”
Press Release

Wisconsin Doctor: “Sen. Johnson Should Cancel Anti-Vaccine Event”

Yesterday, WITI-TV reported Johnson’s planning to hold a 6/28 event where he plans to spread misinformation about the COVID vaccines’ safety It’s unclear if Johnson plans to use taxpayer funds to host the event and spread dangerous misinformation

Triple-Down: Ron Johnson “Not A Real Fan” Of Tax Cuts For Working Families
Press Release

Triple-Down: Ron Johnson “Not A Real Fan” Of Tax Cuts For Working Families

Yesterday, Johnson reaffirmed his opposition to the expanded child tax credit that will provide up to $300/month per child to 39 million families

Ron Johnson Puts Party Politics and Corporate Backers First, Filibustering Effort To Strengthen Voting Rights And Elections
Press Release

Ron Johnson Puts Party Politics and Corporate Backers First, Filibustering Effort To Strengthen Voting Rights And Elections

Earlier this month, Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act, and they filibustered the establishment of a bipartisan Jan. 6 Commission in May, after uniformly voting against the American Rescue Plan in March

Ron Johnson Doubles Down On Opposition To Tax Cuts For Working Families
Press Release

Ron Johnson Doubles Down On Opposition To Tax Cuts For Working Families

Ron Johnson: “I’m all for families, but...”

Johnson, Rubio Vote to Make China Great Again
Press Release

Johnson, Rubio Vote to Make China Great Again


LISTEN: Ron Johnson Discourages Constituents From Getting Vaccinated
Press Release

LISTEN: Ron Johnson Discourages Constituents From Getting Vaccinated

Johnson: “What do you care if your neighbor has one or not...Why is this big push to make sure everyone gets a vaccine…”

From Ron Johnson’s Lips to Your Ears: “I Get Criticized Brutally for Wanting to Stand in the Way of Getting Checks to Everybody
Press Release

From Ron Johnson’s Lips to Your Ears: “I Get Criticized Brutally for Wanting to Stand in the Way of Getting Checks to Everybody

Listen to Johnson make the case against his own reelection here

American Bridge 21st Century Calls on Ron Johnson to Resign Over Racist January 6 Comments
Millionaire Ron Johnson Says Constituents “Don’t Need” COVID Relief, School Reopenings, or Vaccines
Press Release

Millionaire Ron Johnson Says Constituents “Don’t Need” COVID Relief, School Reopenings, or Vaccines

Watch Johnson claim his struggling constituents don’t need $1,400 checks

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Senate Impeachment Vote
Millionaire Ron Johnson Votes Against COVID Relief for Wisconsin Families