Content referencing Joe Handrick

Can Peter Barca Flip Republican Congressional District?

Can Peter Barca Flip Republican Congressional District?

1st District incumbent Bryan Steil faces veteran Democrat, who had more votes in primary.

Will Liberal Dane County Decide Presidential Election?

Will Liberal Dane County Decide Presidential Election?

County has grown by about 43,000 since 2016, when Trump got 23% of vote.

Vos’ Emails Show Pressure From Election Deniers

Vos’ Emails Show Pressure From Election Deniers

Assembly Speaker and staff sought a way to respond to demands for reviews of the 2020 election.

The Contrarian: School Choice Key Issue in Governor Race
The Contrarian

School Choice Key Issue in Governor Race

Republican candidates will support universal vouchers. Evers calls that "morally wrong."

Rushed Redistricting Bill Drafted In March

Rushed Redistricting Bill Drafted In March

No author listed for bill, but drafting notes show it was requested by Robin Vos.

Op Ed: What Robin Vos Will Find
Op Ed

What Robin Vos Will Find

He cites “mail-in ballot dumps” in Milwaukee, but his own aide found no irregularities.

Purple Wisconsin Still Has Dark Red Legislature

Purple Wisconsin Still Has Dark Red Legislature

Republican legislators continue to win big with minority of state's vote.

Op Ed: GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice
Op Ed

GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice

Republicans proclaim vouchers for minorities while seeking ways to disenfranchise their votes.

An Upcoming Battle in Trump Country

An Upcoming Battle in Trump Country

Duffy’s resignation in state’s northern congressional district gives Democrats hopes they can win it.

Republicans Should Retain Legislature This Fall

Republicans Should Retain Legislature This Fall

Democrats hope to retake Senate but their chances don't look good.