Mural repainted by MPS students, parents, staff and neighbors to be unveiled Wednesday

Mural repainted by MPS students, parents, staff and neighbors to be unveiled Wednesday

Sherman Multicultural Arts School mural unveiling set for 9 a.m. at the school, 5110 W. Locust Street, Milwaukee 53210

Alderwoman Coggs invites residents to “Heal the Hood”

Alderwoman Coggs invites residents to “Heal the Hood”

2:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 26, 2013

City pension changes projected to save more than $90 million

City pension changes projected to save more than $90 million

Pension changes approved today by the full Common Council will save the city approximately $93 million over the next 20 years, Alderman Michael J. Murphy said.

Walker food stamp plan puts mean-spirited ideology before taxpayers, common sense

Walker food stamp plan puts mean-spirited ideology before taxpayers, common sense

Madison—Governor Scott Walker wants state taxpayers to pay an extra $16.7 million per year on his plan to take food off the tables of 31,350 low-income Wisconsinites.

Supervisor David Bowen Resolution on Badgercare Funding Concerns

Supervisor David Bowen Resolution on Badgercare Funding Concerns

Request for the State to accept Federal Healthcare Funds

3 MPS students win Gates scholarships covering 100% of unmet need to college of their choice

3 MPS students win Gates scholarships covering 100% of unmet need to college of their choice

Students from MPS' Riverside, South Division who worked with College Possible to be recognized at Monday event

Launch of Mobile Bike Hub to Cap Off Bike to Work Week

Launch of Mobile Bike Hub to Cap Off Bike to Work Week

Hub will promote biking through workshops in South Side neighborhoods and schools

“Three Bridges Park” to Open on July 20th

“Three Bridges Park” to Open on July 20th

Partners launch capital campaign to complete fundraising

Being 44th in the nation in jobs is nothing to celebrate

Being 44th in the nation in jobs is nothing to celebrate

Republicans should spend less time spinning troubling job and wage numbers, more time trying to put people back to work

Supervisors’ Petition for New Board Chair Leadership Falls Short on Signatures

Supervisors’ Petition for New Board Chair Leadership Falls Short on Signatures

Milwaukee County Board Supervisors Borkowski, Taylor, Alexander, Weishan and Schmitt today issued the following joint statement:

Federal judge’s decision on Zoo Interchange Environmental Impact Statement creates opportunity for new direction in transportation investment

Federal judge’s decision on Zoo Interchange Environmental Impact Statement creates opportunity for new direction in transportation investment

Alderman Bauman calls for new alternative for I-94 rebuilding project that would invest in freeway rebuilding, local road reconstruction and expansion of Milwaukee Streetcar

Statement of Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic on Senate Passage of Assembly Bill 85:
Statement of Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic on Senate Passage of Assembly Bill 85

While we prefer local solutions, we appreciate the bipartisan Senate amendments that fix some concerns with the legislation.