Rick Melcher only candidate ready to change focus of State Superintendent race

Rick Melcher only candidate ready to change focus of State Superintendent race

Melcher is the only candidate who will strengthen the heart of our communities by building relationships to ensure our shared values about education are represented in Madison.

GOP Failing On Wisconsin Jobs

GOP Failing On Wisconsin Jobs

Instead of putting more Wisconsinites to work, Wisconsin Republicans have prioritized business tax credits for corporations that ship jobs overseas.

Sensenbrenner Provision Included in Bipartisan, Bicameral NDAA Legislation

Sensenbrenner Provision Included in Bipartisan, Bicameral NDAA Legislation

The NDAA passed the House of Representatives 375-34 and the U.S. Senate 92-7.

High Time For Sheriff David Clarke To Get Back To Work

High Time For Sheriff David Clarke To Get Back To Work

Four prisoners have died at the Milwaukee County Jail in recent months.

New entrepreneurship grant program draws widespread interest around the state

New entrepreneurship grant program draws widespread interest around the state

WEDC receives 32 applications for initiatives to provide support to Wisconsin entrepreneurs; awards to be announced in January

U.S. Cellular and Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. Sign New 10-Year Deal that Includes Building a Redesigned U.S. Cellular Connection Stage in 2018
EPA’s National Lakes Assessment Finds Nutrient Pollution is Widespread in Lakes

EPA’s National Lakes Assessment Finds Nutrient Pollution is Widespread in Lakes

Four in ten lakes suffer from too much nitrogen and phosphorus.

Bucks and SkillSmart Partner on new Workforce Development Platform for Arena District Employment

Bucks and SkillSmart Partner on new Workforce Development Platform for Arena District Employment

First community town hall meeting scheduled for Dec. 15 at Journey House to introduce local jobseekers to the platform and assist with RPP certification.

Congressman Sensenbrenner Urges President-elect Trump to Meet with Dalai Lama; Continue U.S. Relationship with Tibet

Congressman Sensenbrenner Urges President-elect Trump to Meet with Dalai Lama; Continue U.S. Relationship with Tibet

"Tibetans have the right to preserve their culture, heritage, language, and religion."

It Shouldn’t Take a Christmas Miracle for Sen. Ron Johnson to Do His Job and Approve Judicial Nominee He Supports

It Shouldn’t Take a Christmas Miracle for Sen. Ron Johnson to Do His Job and Approve Judicial Nominee He Supports

Will Johnson Deliver a Judge or a Lump of Coal to Seventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals?

National Group Concludes Current DPI Leadership Continues to Fail to Prepare New Wisconsin Teachers

National Group Concludes Current DPI Leadership Continues to Fail to Prepare New Wisconsin Teachers

Candidate for State Superintendent John Humphries released the following statement in response to the NCTQ report concluding most Wisconsin teacher training programs are failing to prepare new elementary teachers:

15 Named for Improving Central City Neighborhood

15 Named for Improving Central City Neighborhood

“Unsung Heroes” Selected as Finalists for the 2017 Milwaukee Awards for Neighborhood Development Innovation (MANDI)