Reince Priebus endorses Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate
Priebus served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee from 2011-2017.
Jan 22nd, 2018 by State Sen. Leah VukmirBryce Releases Statement on Ryan’s Pay to Play Scheme
"Paul Ryan is putting billionaires and special-interest groups ahead of the people of the First District, and this quid pro quo with the Kochs is just the latest example."
Jan 22nd, 2018 by Randy BryceMandela Barnes hires Justin Bielinski as Campaign Manager in race for Lieutenant Governor
"I'm excited that he's on board."
Jan 22nd, 2018 by Lt. Gov. Mandela BarnesGovernor Walker Proposes Health Care Stability Plan to Stabilize Premiums for Wisconsinites on Obamacare
"There are hardworking people across our state who are experiencing massive health care premium increases under Obamacare, and that’s unacceptable."
Jan 21st, 2018 by Gov. Scott WalkerStatement of Senator Jon Erpenbach on Governor Walker’s re-election health care plan.
"These newly loved Democratic plans are a drop in the bucket compared to what accepting funds to expand BagerCare could do for the people of this state."
Jan 21st, 2018 by State Sen. Jon ErpenbachSpeaker Ryan Says He’ll Pressure Senate to Restrict Women’s Reproductive Rights
"Paul Ryan’s promise to pressure the Senate into passing a bill that would restrict women’s rights is just the latest in a long line of anti-women actions from the Speaker."
Jan 20th, 2018 by Randy BrycePocan Statement on the Trump Shutdown
"With their latest spending proposal, Republicans have once again abandoned the middle class and are refusing to negotiate."
Jan 20th, 2018 by U.S. Rep. Mark PocanMilwaukee Health Department not following minimum recommendations of State Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Handbook for Public Health Departments
Follow-up blood lead monitoring, the City of Milwaukee Health Department is not even doing that and that is the minimum recommended action when lead is found in a child's blood.
Jan 20th, 2018 by Freshwater For Life Action CoalitionRandy Bryce Releases Statement on Government Shutdown
"The government shutdown makes clear that 20 years in D.C. has caused Paul Ryan to fall out of touch with the First District."
Jan 19th, 2018 by Randy BryceU.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on the Senate Vote for a Four-Week Funding Bill
"This continuing resolution shortchanges our military, veterans’ health and doesn’t keep a promise on the pensions that Wisconsin workers have earned.'
Jan 19th, 2018 by U.S. Sen. Tammy BaldwinPocan Leads Members of Congress in Calling for Release of Journalists Detained in Burma
“In order for Burma to become a successful democracy, authorities must demonstrate their ability to defend and protect the internationally recognized right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the press.”
Jan 19th, 2018 by U.S. Rep. Mark PocanVukmir, Nygren Lead Efforts to Combat the Opioid Epidemic
"It is critical that our communities have the tools necessary to combat the rising problems that stem from heroin abuse."
Jan 19th, 2018 by State Sen. Leah Vukmir