
Politics and Poetry II set for Wednesday night

Politics and Poetry II set for Wednesday night

Politics and Poetry II set for Wednesday night

Immigration summit TONIGHT will feature key experts, timely discussions

Immigration summit TONIGHT will feature key experts, timely discussions

The prospect of meaningful immigration reform and how it could affect Milwaukee will be one of several key issues discussed TONIGHT during an immigration summit hosted by Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. and Alderman José G. Pérez..

Supervisor Michael Mayo Sr. Vows to Fight County Board Downsizing

Supervisor Michael Mayo Sr. Vows to Fight County Board Downsizing

Says Downsizing Would Increase Constituency, Make It Difficult to Represent All Residents

Resizing the County Board

Resizing the County Board

Supervisor Clarifies Position and Intent

Supervisor Taylor Welcomes the Approval of the Resolution Seeking State Authority to Downsize Milwaukee County Board

Supervisor Taylor Welcomes the Approval of the Resolution Seeking State Authority to Downsize Milwaukee County Board

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors today voted 9-7 in favor of the resolution seeking authority from the Wisconsin State Legislature to reduce the number of Milwaukee County Supervisors prior to the next decennial census.

Supervisor Thanks Residents for Attending Town Hall

Supervisor Thanks Residents for Attending Town Hall

Meeting nearly derailed by non-resident activists

Marquette Law School Poll shows range of public views of charter schools in Wisconsin

Marquette Law School Poll shows range of public views of charter schools in Wisconsin

A statewide Marquette Law School Poll conducted March 11-14 finds that voters view charter schools as enabling more choice in education options but are doubtful that students learn more in charter schools than in public schools.

First budget day showcases a Tale of Two Budgets

First budget day showcases a Tale of Two Budgets

Democratic JFC members note the Walker budget repeats the mistakes of the last budget that left Wisconsin 44th in the nation in job creation.

Immigration summit next week will feature key experts, timely discussions

Immigration summit next week will feature key experts, timely discussions

The prospect of meaningful immigration reform and how it could affect Milwaukee will be one of several key issues discussed next week during an immigration summit hosted by Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. and Alderman José G. Pérez.

Girls’ Day at City Hall showcases public service careers for young women

Girls’ Day at City Hall showcases public service careers for young women

The palette of speakers and role models for young women interested in public service continues to expand in the third annual Girls’ Day at City Hall, hosted TOMORROW, March 20, 2013 by Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs.

Supervisors Borkowski and Taylor Seek Authority To Downsize Milwaukee County Board

Supervisors Borkowski and Taylor Seek Authority To Downsize Milwaukee County Board

Milwaukee County Board Supervisors Taylor and Borkowski have co-sponsored a resolution requesting that the State Legislature grant Milwaukee County the authority to reduce the number of County Board Supervisors at the start of the 2016 term.

More Than 100 Residents Speak Out On Milwaukee County Reform

More Than 100 Residents Speak Out On Milwaukee County Reform

Supervisors Pleased with Response to First “OUR” Milwaukee County Session