
GOP passes forced ultrasound bill

GOP passes forced ultrasound bill

Additional unprecedented attacks on birth control move forward

Assembly GOP refuses to remove anti-consumer, bad policy ideas from budget

Assembly GOP refuses to remove anti-consumer, bad policy ideas from budget

Today Assembly Democrats attempted to remove from the budget anti-consumer, bad policy ideas that will hurt Wisconsin citizens and middle-class families all over the state. Republicans voted against the resolution.

Republican budget turns $700 million surplus into $300 million structural deficit

Republican budget turns $700 million surplus into $300 million structural deficit

Massive tax cuts for the wealthy take priority over public schools

Walker celebrates having a job while many others lose theirs

Walker celebrates having a job while many others lose theirs

Philly Fed reserve ranks WI 49th in economic growth.

Supervisor Michael Mayo, Sr. Says Committee Action Shows Confusing Nature of New Law Limiting County Board’s Powers

Supervisor Michael Mayo, Sr. Says Committee Action Shows Confusing Nature of New Law Limiting County Board’s Powers

Chairman of the Transportation, Public Works & Transit Committee Says Delay of Wauwatosa Water Utility Resolution Caused by Uncertainty About Board’s Role in the Wake of Enactment of Act 14

GOP wraps up budget panel work spending money taken from school kids on tax break for the rich

GOP wraps up budget panel work spending money taken from school kids on tax break for the rich

Press Release from Rep. Barca, Rep. Mason, and Rep. Ricards.

GOP Adopts Ideological Health Care Plan that Costs Taxpayers More, Insures Fewer People

GOP Adopts Ideological Health Care Plan that Costs Taxpayers More, Insures Fewer People

Republicans attempted to disguise the issue by saying that those people could simply buy private coverage in the exchanges, but failed to note that their plan does not make that insurance affordable for them.

In Wisconsin, Blacks Six Times More Likely than Whites to be Arrested for Marijuana Possession, Despite Equal Usage Rates

In Wisconsin, Blacks Six Times More Likely than Whites to be Arrested for Marijuana Possession, Despite Equal Usage Rates

Wisconsin Ranks Fifth in Nation for Highest Racial Disparities, According to New Report by American Civil Liberties Union

Rep. Taylor statement on tomorrow’s major budget action

Rep. Taylor statement on tomorrow’s major budget action

"Tomorrow’s actions will likely show that this budget isn’t for working families, women or children."

Statement of Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic Regarding the Signing of AB 85

Statement of Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic Regarding the Signing of AB 85

The bill signing is taking place in Milwaukee County when the state legislative committees that heard this bill – which targets Milwaukee County – never held a single public hearing here.

Hypocrisy alive and well in the 8th District

Hypocrisy alive and well in the 8th District

Statement of Alderman Joe Dudzik May 31. 2013

Business moving from Milwaukee = wake up call

Business moving from Milwaukee = wake up call

Statement of Alderman Bob Donovan May 31, 2013