
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Applauds Progress on Overtime Protections for Middle Class Workers

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Applauds Progress on Overtime Protections for Middle Class Workers

"Too many Americans are working longer and harder yet they are still struggling to get ahead."

Erpenbach Motion to Require Audit of DOA Info Tech Funds

Erpenbach Motion to Require Audit of DOA Info Tech Funds

The motion failed along party lines.

Alderman Donovan asks for answers about secret MPD email system

Alderman Donovan asks for answers about secret MPD email system

Alderman Donovan requested answers to specific questions about the purported secret e-mail system.

Russ Feingold launches campaign for U.S. Senate

Russ Feingold launches campaign for U.S. Senate

"My desire to serve is stronger than ever."

Rep. Zepnick Proposes Transportation Funding for Wisconsin Communities

Rep. Zepnick Proposes Transportation Funding for Wisconsin Communities

Zepnick’s plan allows cities or counties to tax gasoline at the pump with Wisconsin’s sales tax, and all revenue be placed in a local infrastructure fund

Alderman Donovan calls for DOJ audit of Milwaukee Police Department IT

Alderman Donovan calls for DOJ audit of Milwaukee Police Department IT

Alderman says video data snafu part of a “pattern” of issues

Alderman Witkowski schedules report on MPD records failure

Alderman Witkowski schedules report on MPD records failure

News release from Alderman Terry L. Witkowski

Alderman Davis asks for investigation into MPD records failure

Alderman Davis asks for investigation into MPD records failure

News release from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr.

Officer-involved shootings could be reduced with better police training on mental illness

Officer-involved shootings could be reduced with better police training on mental illness

“Training for law enforcement on how to properly interact with people with mental health challenges is not just the fiscally responsible thing to do, it’s the humane thing to do.”

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Statement on the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Proposal

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Statement on the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Proposal

Providing the best K-12 education system for the community should be a priority for everyone who lives in Milwaukee

GOP says ‘NO’ to student loan debt relief

GOP says ‘NO’ to student loan debt relief

"Simply allowing individuals to refinance their student loans at lower interest rates would save some families thousands of dollars a year."

For mayor, ignorance is bliss on MPD video snafu

For mayor, ignorance is bliss on MPD video snafu

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan May 12, 2015