
Rep. Pocan Calls Out Rep. Duffy for Saying Madison is a Communist Community that does not Believe in Democracy, Demands Apology

Rep. Pocan Calls Out Rep. Duffy for Saying Madison is a Communist Community that does not Believe in Democracy, Demands Apology

"...Congressman Duffy’s ‘Trumpizing’ of Wisconsin is the wrong direction for our state."

Wisconsin Continues to Fail on Jobs

Wisconsin Continues to Fail on Jobs

Assembly Democrats once again renew their call for a summit to grow Wisconsin jobs

Reps. Bowen and Brostoff: Response to Gov. Walker’s comments on opening a Milwaukee-based youth correctional facility
Reps. Bowen and Brostoff

Response to Gov. Walker’s comments on opening a Milwaukee-based youth correctional facility

Governor Walker made comments that he is willing to work with Milwaukee elected officials on a local juvenile corrections facility.

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown and Bob Casey Introducing ‘Buy America’ Amendment to Water Infrastructure Bill, Call on Republican Leaders to Take Action
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Removal of ‘Buy America’ Reform in Water Infrastructure Bill

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Removal of ‘Buy America’ Reform in Water Infrastructure Bill

“By removing my Buy America standard, Speaker Ryan and House Republicans are embracing the status-quo in Washington.”

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Announces Appointment of Margaret Daun as Corporation Counsel

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Announces Appointment of Margaret Daun as Corporation Counsel

Ms. Daun comes to Milwaukee County with diverse experience in the public and private sectors.

Governor Walker Appoints Racine County Judge

Governor Walker Appoints Racine County Judge

"I am pleased to appoint Wynne Laufenberg as judge in Racine County."

Speaker Vos Calls Out Senators for Fear Mongering

Speaker Vos Calls Out Senators for Fear Mongering

"...I will work in good faith to work toward the best possible solution to this problem, taking into account all options available.”

Wisconsin Recount Proceeding on Schedule without Major Problems

Wisconsin Recount Proceeding on Schedule without Major Problems

On Day Four of the presidential recount, no significant issues have been reported.

Keeping Our Promises

Keeping Our Promises

"In our upcoming budget proposal, we will put forward a plan that focuses on the safety and maintenance of Wisconsin’s roads and bridges."

Speaker Vos Transportation Video Release: Road Work Ahead
Speaker Vos Transportation Video Release

Road Work Ahead

The video is of Speaker Vos’ recent ride in the back of a Burlington Rescue Squad ambulance around his Assembly District.

Independent Engineering Firm Releases Report That Confirms Initial Cost Estimates for Domes Repairs

Independent Engineering Firm Releases Report That Confirms Initial Cost Estimates for Domes Repairs

Estimates to repair the Domes range from $14 million to $64 million.