
Governor Walker Highlights Property Tax Relief

Governor Walker Highlights Property Tax Relief

Commits to Holding the Line on Property Taxes in Upcoming Budget

Wisconsin Comrades Set to Welcome Donald Trump, Whitewash Russian Attempts to Influence Elections

Wisconsin Comrades Set to Welcome Donald Trump, Whitewash Russian Attempts to Influence Elections

‘You Would Have Hoped That Patriotism Would Trump Blind Partisanship’

After Trump Delays Announcement on Business Plans, Baldwin & Senate Democrats Call on President-elect to Divest Holdings

After Trump Delays Announcement on Business Plans, Baldwin & Senate Democrats Call on President-elect to Divest Holdings

Senators: “Whether the President of the United States makes decisions about potential trade agreements or sending troops into war, the American people need to know that the President is acting in their best interest.”

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland

They have stood by Donald Trump and his attacks on the intelligence community

Wisconsin Recount Completed Ahead of Schedule With Relatively Small Changes to Final Totals
Supervisors to Consider External Investigations of In-Custody Deaths

Supervisors to Consider External Investigations of In-Custody Deaths

Milwaukee County Board expected to vote Thursday on establishing policy.

Rep. Pocan Leads Letter to President-elect Trump Highlighting Republicans’ Divisions Over Buy America Requirements

Rep. Pocan Leads Letter to President-elect Trump Highlighting Republicans’ Divisions Over Buy America Requirements

“Foundries across the state are scratching their heads wondering why Republicans would want to send taxpayer dollars to companies that ship jobs overseas.”

The Truth about Self-Insurance

The Truth about Self-Insurance

States like North Carolina have seen a $200+ million budget deficit due to an accumulation of unexpected claims when shifting to a self-insurance model.

Sensenbrenner to National Guard: Keep Aircraft in Wisconsin
Sensenbrenner to National Guard

Keep Aircraft in Wisconsin

This RC-26B has been utilized to assist law enforcements’ response to natural disasters, counterdrug missions, and special operations missions abroad.

114th Congressional Wrap Up:  Sensenbrenner Legislative Accomplishments and Constituent Services
114th Congressional Wrap Up

Sensenbrenner Legislative Accomplishments and Constituent Services

Sensenbrenner introduced 38 bills this Congress, two of which were signed into law by President Barack Obama

Senator Baldwin Urges President-Elect Trump to Live Up to Campaign Promises and Clarify Whether He Opposes Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid

Senator Baldwin Urges President-Elect Trump to Live Up to Campaign Promises and Clarify Whether He Opposes Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid

Senators press President-Elect Trump to live up to his campaign promises and reject any cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

Coalition Applauds Great Lakes Investments in Bill

Coalition Applauds Great Lakes Investments in Bill

Congress authorizes $1.5 billion in Great Lakes restoration over five years, funding for Flint, Mich., to replace lead pipes to restore clean drinking water.