
Spotlight on Milwaukee County Workers: Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Honors Employees Making a Difference
Spotlight on Milwaukee County Workers

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Honors Employees Making a Difference

County Executive Abele is putting the spotlight on employees who have gone above and beyond to give back to our community and make a difference.

2017 Wisconsin Health Insurance Cost Ranking

2017 Wisconsin Health Insurance Cost Ranking

Milwaukee Area Still Has Above Averages Costs

Rep. Goyke to Reintroduce Bi-Partisan “Missouri Model” Juvenile Justice Legislation
Wachs Responds to Yet Another Republican Attack on UW-Madison

Wachs Responds to Yet Another Republican Attack on UW-Madison

“...Republicans only seem to care about the University of Wisconsin when they are offended by what is being taught, and not when it comes to properly funding our UW System to compete in today’s economy.”

Spotlight on Milwaukee County Workers: Milwaukee County Fleet Management Awarded “Fleet Top 100” Honor
Spotlight on Milwaukee County Workers

Milwaukee County Fleet Management Awarded “Fleet Top 100” Honor

Productivity is up to 98 percent through the use of key performance indicators available to all County employees for complete transparency.

Rep. Sensenbrenner Urges President-elect Trump to Maintain Intelligence Cooperation Between the U.S. and EU

Rep. Sensenbrenner Urges President-elect Trump to Maintain Intelligence Cooperation Between the U.S. and EU

"I pledge to work with you to ensure that the United States maintains the intelligence capabilities it needs to effectively defend our national security..."

In Letter to Governor Scott Walker, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Encourages Action on Newly Available Federal Funding to Address Opioid Epidemic

In Letter to Governor Scott Walker, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Encourages Action on Newly Available Federal Funding to Address Opioid Epidemic

Major legislation signed into law this month includes $1 billion in funding championed by Senator Baldwin for states to address opioid epidemic

Rep. Sensenbrenner to Attorney General: DOJ Must Reform Civil Asset Forfeiture
Rep. Sensenbrenner to Attorney General

DOJ Must Reform Civil Asset Forfeiture

"I continue to worry about conflicts of interest with federal forfeiture and the equitable sharing program."

Sen. Carpenter Asks Governor Walker to Work to Protect SeniorCare

Sen. Carpenter Asks Governor Walker to Work to Protect SeniorCare

Senator Carpenter noted that SeniorCare serves around 60,000 seniors and saves tens of millions of dollars for Wisconsin’s seniors and taxpayers.

Gov. Walker and President-elect Trump put polluters and special interests ahead of Wisconsin families

Gov. Walker and President-elect Trump put polluters and special interests ahead of Wisconsin families

"Gov. Walker is once again proposing a range of costly, discriminatory and unconstitutional policies aimed at punishing workers and dividing communities."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces Committee Appointments for New Senate

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces Committee Appointments for New Senate

Senator Baldwin will continue to serve on Appropriations and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), will join Commerce Committee in January

Wisconsin, Not Washington

Wisconsin, Not Washington

The letter asks President-elect Trump to provide flexibility in implementing a number of programs that will help the citizens of Wisconsin.