
One Wisconsin Institute Statements on Trump Phony Voter Fraud Claims

One Wisconsin Institute Statements on Trump Phony Voter Fraud Claims

“The only fraud in our elections are partisan politicians like Donald Trump and Gov. Scott Walker manipulating the voting laws for political gain.”

POTUS Opposition Resolution 16-738 is Divisive and Wasteful

POTUS Opposition Resolution 16-738 is Divisive and Wasteful

"This measure seeks to make Milwaukee County an official sanctuary for illegal immigrants and embraces the Black Lives Matter anti-cop movement..."

Governor Walker Highlights Growing Economy, Highlights Efforts to Make College More Affordable at Wisconsin Credit Unions Lobby Day

Governor Walker Highlights Growing Economy, Highlights Efforts to Make College More Affordable at Wisconsin Credit Unions Lobby Day

"Credit unions in Wisconsin serve as one of our crucial allies as we continue to help students afford the higher education path that’s best for them."

Records Reveal State Public School Chief Hopeful Donated to Gov. Scott Walker’s Recall Election Opponent
Bipartisan Digital Coast Act Passes Commerce Committee

Bipartisan Digital Coast Act Passes Commerce Committee

Legislation aids shoreline communities by delivering next generation coastal data

Discrimination Resolution Nothing More than Campaign Style Rhetoric

Discrimination Resolution Nothing More than Campaign Style Rhetoric

"President Trump has only been in office for a few days and we need to give him a chance to bring the country together before launching into attacks on him."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to President Trump: Take Action to Level Playing Field for American Workers
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to President Trump

Take Action to Level Playing Field for American Workers

In letter to the President Trump, Baldwin highlights taking on unfair trade deals, fighting against outsourcing, establishing Buy America rules and cracking down on China cheating

Rep. Peter Barca Statement on Labor Committee Public Hearing

Rep. Peter Barca Statement on Labor Committee Public Hearing

“This is another shameless attack by Republicans on Wisconsin workers.”

Walker’s Tax Cuts for the Wealthy are Costing Wisconsin Big Time

Walker’s Tax Cuts for the Wealthy are Costing Wisconsin Big Time

Regressive tax credit claimed by millionaires set to be $800 MILLION over budget

Republican Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit costing millions more than expected – benefits just a few of the state’s wealthiest individuals

Republican Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit costing millions more than expected – benefits just a few of the state’s wealthiest individuals

"75% of the total Manufacturing and Agriculture tax credit is going to individuals that each make more than a million dollars a year"

Working families struggle as GOP tax breaks for millionaires skyrocket

Working families struggle as GOP tax breaks for millionaires skyrocket

“Rather than targeting tax breaks to the wealthiest one percent, we should return those dollars to the working families who need help the most”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces She Will Not Support Congressman Tom Price’s Confirmation for Secretary of Health and Human Services

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces She Will Not Support Congressman Tom Price’s Confirmation for Secretary of Health and Human Services

"Congressman Price’s nomination process has revealed financial dealings that raise serious questions about potential STOCK Act violations."