
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Statement Honoring the 44th Anniversary of <em>Roe v. Wade</em>

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Statement Honoring the 44th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

"Today, we honor 44 years of a woman having the choice to make her own decisions with regards to her health."

Following Additional Concerns on Congressman Price’s Financial Transactions, Baldwin and Senate Democrats Call For SEC Investigation Into Potential Violations of STOCK Act and Insider Trading Laws
Sen. Taylor’s statement on Governor Walker’s welfare reform

Sen. Taylor’s statement on Governor Walker’s welfare reform

"While I appreciate what he says about his reforms, the plan lacks details, but I’ll reserve judgement until I see the full proposal."

Common Council greenlights creation of Heroin, Opioid and Cocaine Task Force

Common Council greenlights creation of Heroin, Opioid and Cocaine Task Force

The task force will build on the city’s partnership with the Medical College of Wisconsin and data analysis by Alderman Murphy’s office.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin: “Let’s talk about numbers we can all agree on.”
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin

“Let’s talk about numbers we can all agree on.”

20 percent of Wisconsin’s public roads and 14 percent of bridges are in need of repair

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Convenes Community Leaders on Office on African American Affairs

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Convenes Community Leaders on Office on African American Affairs

Ralph Hollmon to Spearhead Group’s Discussions on OAAA Hiring and Community Engagement

Wisconsin Lawmakers Join Nationwide Effort to Safeguard Abortion Rights

Wisconsin Lawmakers Join Nationwide Effort to Safeguard Abortion Rights

"We can’t ignore science and return to back alley abortions and jailing women."

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Urges Walker Not to Punish Wisconsin Children and Families in Need

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Urges Walker Not to Punish Wisconsin Children and Families in Need

“We must treat people with dignity and respect and provide them with real opportunities if we actually want to improve crisis-level poverty in Wisconsin...”

Statement on Gov. Walker’s proposed work restrictions

Statement on Gov. Walker’s proposed work restrictions

“Once again, Gov. Walker is creating one set of rules for working families and another set of rules for the wealthy and well-connected.?

Does Rep. Sean Duffy Support Hiking Home Insurance Premiums As Much As $900 On Wisconsin Households?

Does Rep. Sean Duffy Support Hiking Home Insurance Premiums As Much As $900 On Wisconsin Households?

Homeowners could see the costs of homeownership rise due to President Trump's administrative order.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order to Withdraw from TPP and Announcement of NAFTA Renegotiation

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order to Withdraw from TPP and Announcement of NAFTA Renegotiation

"Withdrawing from TPP and moving to renegotiate NAFTA are good first steps from President Trump"

Pocan Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order to Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Pocan Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order to Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

"The defeat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a testament to the power of grassroots organizing."