From Guides to Historic Milwaukee: Juneautown Walking Tour by Mary Ellen Pagel and Virginia Palmer (1965)…

Learning that his rival Byron Kilbourn intended to build a courthouse on this side of the river, Solomon Juneau hurriedly put a builder to work on one in Juneautown. Their small wooden courthouse was replaced in 1869 by a huge red sandstone building, but it, too, eventually proved too small. The gray, classical Milwaukee County Courthouse, which may be seen to the west, succeeded it in 1929. Courthouse Square, renamed Cathedral Park, now contains gardens and a statue of an immigrant mother, erected by William George Bruce in memory of his own and all immigrant mothers.


Recent Press Releases Referencing Cathedral Square Park

Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21 announces changes in leadership

CEO Beth Weirick to step down in June; Economic Development Director Matt Dorner tapped as successor with other staff changes in store

Join Santa and Mrs. Claus for Cocoa with the Clauses on Dec. 14

The free, family-friendly event will offer cookies, hot cocoa and photo ops at Cathedral Square Park

Marvel at Downtown’s holiday lights aboard the Jingle Bus

Narrated tours return Thursday through Sunday evening as part of the Milwaukee Holiday Lights Festival

