Content referencing Shelly Sarasin

Nominations Open for 3rd Annual Jeanne Lowry Award
Annual Homeless Population Count Reveals Difficulties In Finding People Shelter

Annual Homeless Population Count Reveals Difficulties In Finding People Shelter

Federal rules require count to be done in January, with results determining future resource allocation.

Giving Tents to Homeless Sparks Debate

Giving Tents to Homeless Sparks Debate

Street Angels defends it; downtown business leader calls it 'enabling' such behavior, then walks back comment.

City Hall: Should Tent Encampment At MacArthur Square Have Bathrooms?
City Hall

Should Tent Encampment At MacArthur Square Have Bathrooms?

It's become a hotly-debated issue at City Hall as number of tents grows.

Homeless Deaths Rising Significantly in Milwaukee

Homeless Deaths Rising Significantly in Milwaukee

Substance abuse contributing to 147% rise since 2018.

Homeless Outreach Group’s Bus Destroyed In Fire

Homeless Outreach Group’s Bus Destroyed In Fire

Street Angels 'devastated' by likely arson, solicits donations to replace vehicle.

Street Angels Say Milwaukee Homeless Population Rising

Street Angels Say Milwaukee Homeless Population Rising

Outreach organization says the population is often undercounted by local officials.

Supervisor Clancy ‘Right to Counsel’ Proposal Overwhelmingly Endorsed by Finance Committee, Public
Homeless Providers Brace For The Worst

Homeless Providers Brace For The Worst

Quarantine requirements, more living on streets, complicate the problem.