Content referencing Peter Bildsten

Murphy’s Law: Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker
Murphy’s Law

Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker

Both as county exec and governor, Scott Walker systematically evaded public scrutiny.

Murphy’s Law: The Secrets of Mike Huebsch
Murphy’s Law

The Secrets of Mike Huebsch

He’s been a leader in evading and undermining Wisconsin's open records laws.

The State of Politics: Evers Respects His Agency Leaders
The State of Politics

Evers Respects His Agency Leaders

Walker at times ignored cabinet, made decisions for his political career.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Lost
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Lost

He seemed to have the perfect strategy. The top 10 reasons he failed.

Murphy’s Law: 33 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

33 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals, who were the election’s other big winners and losers?

Walker, Evers Talk Taxes, Health Care, Immigration At First Debate

Walker, Evers Talk Taxes, Health Care, Immigration At First Debate

Gubernatorial candidates also discuss criticism from former Walker cabinet secretaries; charges of plagiarism at Wisconsin's DPI.

Your Right To Know: Check Candidates’ Stance on Open Records
Your Right To Know

Check Candidates’ Stance on Open Records

If they want your vote, shouldn’t they support transparency in government?

Op Ed: Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award
Op Ed

Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award

Letter to state Freedom of Information Council cites governor’s poor record on “Openess."

Second Walker Official Opposes Him

Second Walker Official Opposes Him

Ex-Director of Financial Institutions say he was pushed to meet with lobbyists, avoid public records.

No Relief from 565% Payday Loan Interest

No Relief from 565% Payday Loan Interest

Wisconsin one of eight states with no rules capping interest, despite calls for reform.

The State of Politics: Open Records Law Still Under Siege
The State of Politics

Open Records Law Still Under Siege

Former Corrections Secretary Ed Wall’s attempted end run is latest of many attacks on the law.

New State Law Helps Debt Collectors

New State Law Helps Debt Collectors

Makes it easy for debt buyers to target consumers with poorly documented claims.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Secretive Governing Style
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Secretive Governing Style

Since he was County Executive, Walker has devised ever more ways to operate in secret.

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Two cabinet members say Huebsch instructed them to use private channels for state business.

Governor Scott Walker Announces Administrative Appointments
Press Release

Governor Scott Walker Announces Administrative Appointments

Today, Governor Scott Walker announced the following administrative appointments: