Content referencing Orville Seymer

The Life and Times of Dan Kelly

The Life and Times of Dan Kelly

Supreme Court candidate says he is 'boring,' not political. His life and record tell a different story.

Group Pushes Evers to Oust John Chisholm

Group Pushes Evers to Oust John Chisholm

Led by activist Orville Seymer, group sends petition to governor bashing district attorney’s bail policies.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering

Voters overwhelmingly favor fair maps, yet Vos spends millions in taxes to fight this.

Secrecy Hides State Legislators’ Actions

Secrecy Hides State Legislators’ Actions

Anonymous budget amendments and "Body Snatcher” bills reward special interests, limit public input.

Wisconsin Residents See Democracy in Decline

Wisconsin Residents See Democracy in Decline

Nationally and here in Wisconsin, citizens feel their voices aren't being heard.

Back in the News: 9 Reasons Why Barrett Recall Failed
Back in the News

9 Reasons Why Barrett Recall Failed

Recall effort falls far short of number of signatures needed. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Bizarre War Against John Chisholm
Murphy’s Law

The Bizarre War Against John Chisholm

What’s more peculiar, his opponent, or the complicated plot to defeat him?

Murphy’s Law: The Plot to Defeat Bob Bauman
Murphy’s Law

The Plot to Defeat Bob Bauman

His opponent has two names, lives outside the district, and is part of anti-streetcar clique.

Taxpayers on hook for County Supervisor John Weishan’s legal tab

Taxpayers on hook for County Supervisor John Weishan’s legal tab

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites

So when is that referendum coming, and where are those aldermanic opponents?

Plenty of Horne: Race for Dudzik’s Seat Could Get Heated
Plenty of Horne

Race for Dudzik’s Seat Could Get Heated

Will anti-streetcar group get involved? And did Journal Sentinel exaggerate the number of candidates?

Streetcar Referendum Petitioners Plan New Strategy to Gather Required Signatures
Press Release

Streetcar Referendum Petitioners Plan New Strategy to Gather Required Signatures

Data was presented indicating that the current effort will fall short of the goal.

Back in the News: Anti-Streetcar Petition Drive Fails
Back in the News

Anti-Streetcar Petition Drive Fails

Streetcar opponents failed to get enough signatures in 60 days; now say they’ll relaunch drive in May.

Murphy’s Law: Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?
Murphy’s Law

Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?

Money is being spent and wild rumors are flying. So what’s the truth?

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

Conservatives from outside Milwaukee hope to join forces with black city residents to oppose the streetcar.

CRG Network to Assist Direct Legislation Petition Drive to Require Referendum on Milwaukee Streetcar Project
Press Release

CRG Network to Assist Direct Legislation Petition Drive to Require Referendum on Milwaukee Streetcar Project

Milwaukee citizens, activists, businesses, and politicians in an effort to pass direct legislation requiring citizen approval of taxpayer-financed rail projects.

CRG Network to Co-Host Decision 2014 Candidate Forum
Press Release

CRG Network to Co-Host Decision 2014 Candidate Forum

The CRG Network is proud to serve as one of the co-hosts for the Decisions 2014 candidate forum.

Murphy’s Law: Why Didn’t Chisholm Go After Democrats?
Murphy’s Law

Why Didn’t Chisholm Go After Democrats?

Republicans say the John Doe probe proves bias. So does the federal suit against DA. Are they right?

15th Aldermanic Candidate Hopeful Monique Taylor Aligned With Right Wing Organization Center For Responsible Government (CRG)
Press Release

15th Aldermanic Candidate Hopeful Monique Taylor Aligned With Right Wing Organization Center For Responsible Government (CRG)

FROM KINGFISHMKE.COM…. The left side sees Republican Gov. Scott Walker as the devil. The right side sees the same in President Barack Obama. But there is one thing they can agree on: Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm has got to go. “What we have here is people with a common cause, that feel that together we are strong,” community organizer Tory Lowe, tells Wisconsin Reporter. “That kind of common ground doesn’t happen all the time, and that’s a testament to how (Chisholm) is running his office.” As Wisconsin Reporter first reported, Lowe and fellow community organizer Monique Taylor met Monday night with Orville Seymer, field director of Citizens for Responsible Government, one of the state’s most successful conservative action organizations. Seymer and CRG’s Chris Kliesmet detailed the mechanism of recall, with the leaders looking to establish a Recall John Chisholm exploratory committee as soon as next week. CRG certainly knows the ropes of Wisconsin recall. The conservative organization is perhaps best known for its successful recall of former Milwaukee County Executive Tom Ament, who was caught in a public pension scandal in 2002. Rather than face recall voters, Ament retired, remaining eligible to collect his county pension. Lowe and Taylor scheduled a meeting tonight at 5:30 at the Wisconsin African American Women’s Center in Milwaukee with representatives from the NAACP,Occupy Milwaukee, the League of Young Voters and other liberal organizations to talk about the formation of a recall campaign. “We want to make sure we get our ground troops and energy together if we want to put it all together to have a successful recall election,” Lowe said. It is a cause of admittedly strange bedfellows, a fledgling movement of people who have previously struggled to trust each other in racially divided Milwaukee – a group that includes citizens who worked hard to recall Walker, and others vehemently opposed to that unprecedented campaign. In fact, Lowe says, community organizers want to learn from the lessons of the failed 2012 effort to oust Walker. CRG lays claim to assisting some 30 grassroots recall efforts, all conservative-led campaigns. Seymer said any campaign to remove Chisholm must be a team effort. “Obviously we have black liberals and white conservatives working on this,” he said. “We have to look at our main goal, which is to remove John Chisholm.” It’s a cause with different motivations for recalling the Democrat district attorney. Conservatives are frustrated, many furious, with the seemingly endless, secret John Doe investigations into conservatives led by Chisholm’s office. They feel that the probes are nothing more than political witch hunts, and a prosecutorial abuse of power. Black community leaders like Lowe and Taylor are outraged with what they see as Milwaukee’s criminal justice system failing black victims. Among the more high-profile cases was Chisholm’s decision not to file charges against the three men involved in the December 2012 death of Corey Stingley. According to the official account, the 16-year-old was attempting to steal alcohol at a West Allis convenience store when he was detained by three men. Video from the store’s camera shows Stingley leave his backpack and the alcohol with the clerk, grab his debit card from […]