Mike Crivello, President of the Milwaukee Police Association.

Content referencing Mike Crivello

Murphy’s Law: Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?
Murphy’s Law

Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?

Milwaukee’s powerful union has long gotten its way. But this time may be different.

Film About Milwaukee Police Killing Dontre Hamilton is Free this Week

Film About Milwaukee Police Killing Dontre Hamilton is Free this Week

Filmmaker removes fees to watch award-winning documentary.

Thank you, Mike Crivello, for your dedicated service to Milwaukee
Press Release

Thank you, Mike Crivello, for your dedicated service to Milwaukee

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - November 15, 2018

Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate
Press Release

Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate

"I’m honored to have the Milwaukee Police Association’s endorsement."

Special Report: Police Response Slow For Non-Violent Crimes
Special Report

Police Response Slow For Non-Violent Crimes

MPD response time averages 40 minutes for non-violent crimes, 68 minutes for auto theft.

Special Report: MPD Slow to Respond to Violent Crimes
Special Report

MPD Slow to Respond to Violent Crimes

But response times for all types of calls have dropped an average of 32 minutes since 2015.

City Hall: Zielinski Ramps Up Mayoral Campaign
City Hall

Zielinski Ramps Up Mayoral Campaign

"I want to run against Barrett," alderman says, laying out issues he will use against mayor.

City Officials Promote Police Pursuit Policy

City Officials Promote Police Pursuit Policy

Donovan wants public information campaign on new policy to chase fleeing offenders.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Zielinski Will Run for Mayor
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zielinski Will Run for Mayor

Alderman declares for mayor, two years before the election, and police union endorses him.

Eyes on Milwaukee: How a Great Documentary Was Made
Eyes on Milwaukee

How a Great Documentary Was Made

Milwaukee Film Fest favorite explores the shooting of Dontre Hamilton. How was it made?

Alderman Zielinski announces the COP House initiative will move forward
Press Release

Alderman Zielinski announces the COP House initiative will move forward

The program is designed to address crime in challenged neighborhoods.

Alderman Zielinski leads new initiative to crack down on crime while offering educational opportunities
Press Release

Alderman Zielinski leads new initiative to crack down on crime while offering educational opportunities

The model for the COP House has reduced crime by up to 70 percent in some areas that are using the program.

Murphy’s Law: Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?
Murphy’s Law

Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?

Common Council says yes. Chief Flynn says no. Who’s right?

Additional state funding for foot and bike officers – a plus for Milwaukee
Press Release

Additional state funding for foot and bike officers – a plus for Milwaukee

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan May 18, 2017

Every law enforcement group endorses District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election
Press Release

Every law enforcement group endorses District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election

“I am honored to receive the support of Milwaukee County’s law enforcement professionals,” said District Attorney John Chisholm.

Milwaukee Police Association and the Milwaukee Professional Fire Fighters Association, Local 215 Endorse Justice Rebecca Bradley for State Supreme Court
Press Release

Milwaukee Police Association and the Milwaukee Professional Fire Fighters Association, Local 215 Endorse Justice Rebecca Bradley for State Supreme Court

These endorsements add to the impressive list of Wisconsin's first responders who have met with Justice Rebecca Bradley and support her efforts to retain her seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: The Lonely Journey of Mark Borkowski
Murphy’s Law

The Lonely Journey of Mark Borkowski

New alderman’s crazed comments leave him only (and barely) the police union's support.

Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Deanna Alexander
Press Release

Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Deanna Alexander

“I am honored and humbled by this vote of confidence from the MPA and grateful for this endorsement from our public servants in law enforcement”

Gwen Connolly earns endorsement of more labor unions
Press Release

Gwen Connolly earns endorsement of more labor unions

“We are proud to endorse Gwen Connolly for Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge,” said Michael Crivello, President of the Milwaukee Police Association.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need More Police?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need More Police?

Mayoral candidate Bob Donovan thinks so. How does this city compare to others?

Plenty of Horne: Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”
Plenty of Horne

Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”

And "more Indians." Alderman and mayoral candidate proposes to redo police staffing to cut higher-ups.

Back in the News: Residency Rule Upheld But For How Long?
Back in the News

Residency Rule Upheld But For How Long?

Appeals court overturns law killing city residency rule. State high court may review decision.

Murphy’s Law: Police Scam Artists
Murphy’s Law

Police Scam Artists

Why does the cop’s union protect officers who rip off taxpayers?

Governor Ignores South Side on Residency Requirement

Governor Ignores South Side on Residency Requirement

Walker signs law, never responds to letters from South Side politicians and organizations.