Content referencing Joe Volk

Homeless Shelters Stretched Thin During Extreme Cold

Homeless Shelters Stretched Thin During Extreme Cold

Shelters need more funding for staff and space to safely house people during a pandemic.

Homeless Shelters, Advocates Expect Wave of Evictions

Homeless Shelters, Advocates Expect Wave of Evictions

COVID-19 is complicating their response to people losing housing.

Homelessness Decreasing in Wisconsin

Homelessness Decreasing in Wisconsin

Nationwide homelessness is increasing. Meanwhile, state lawmakers argue over funding to combat the issue.

State Senate Inaction Kills Homeless Funding for this Winter
Press Release

State Senate Inaction Kills Homeless Funding for this Winter

Apparently, there were three Senators who were opposed to homeless funding: Senators Kapenga, Nass, and Craig.

Plats and Parcels: Tent City Being Evicted
Plats and Parcels

Tent City Being Evicted

Plus: A packed week of real estate news, including the Schuster's project moving forward.

Op Ed: Tent City A Result of Public Policy
Op Ed

Tent City A Result of Public Policy

Tent City residents need resources not currently available to them, not destruction of their camp.

“Supportive Housing” Needed for Homeless?

“Supportive Housing” Needed for Homeless?

Advocates say housing plus services like health care, substance abuse care needed to solve problem.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?

Yes, says new report. But there’s reason to doubt its conclusions.

Murphy’s Law: Tom Ament Strikes Again
Murphy’s Law

Tom Ament Strikes Again

Author of infamous pension plan also devised a 1990 measure giving supervisors unconstitutional power over executive appointees.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Betty Quadracci
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Betty Quadracci

Her impact on local journalism and the creation of Quad/Graphics was great -- and greatly underestimated.

Murphy’s Law: The New Non-Profit Kingpins
Murphy’s Law

The New Non-Profit Kingpins

As SDC declines, groups like Community Advocates and Next Door are on the rise.