Content referencing Jeff Wagner

Murphy’s Law: How Talk Radio Took Over Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Talk Radio Took Over Wisconsin

Most news and talk stations in state are dominated by right-wing voices.

Local favorite talk show host Jeff Wagner to be honored with MAFW’s Citizen Support for Our Armed Services Award
Murphy’s Law: Liberal Talk Coming to Waukesha
Murphy’s Law

Liberal Talk Coming to Waukesha

Mike Crute’s new talk radio station, WAUK 540 AM, will compete with local right-wing talkers.

Op Ed: Republican Slams Party for State Recount
Op Ed

Republican Slams Party for State Recount

Fond du Lac Chairman, talk radio’s Jeff Wagner attack effort to ‘disenfranchise' legal voters.

Op Ed: We Like Suburban Segregation
Op Ed

We Like Suburban Segregation

Governments have long enabled metro area's biases.

Charlie Sykes stars as George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life
Press Release

Charlie Sykes stars as George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life

Show is on Tuesday, November 29 at Turner Hall Ballroom

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, behind the scenes. who won, who lost?

Murphy’s Law: Trump Vs. The Wisconsin Establishment
Murphy’s Law

Trump Vs. The Wisconsin Establishment

Journal Sentinel joins talk radio and GOP party in battling The Donald.

How Talk Radio Hurt The Journal Sentinel

How Talk Radio Hurt The Journal Sentinel

Sykes’ continual bashing -- allowed by corporate bosses -- badly wounded their own newspaper.

Back in the News: Potawatomi Plays Hardball
Back in the News

Potawatomi Plays Hardball

Gov. Walker delayed decision on Kenosha casino, so tribe is delaying $25 million payment owed to state.

An Open Letter to Milwaukee Talk Radio
Press Release

An Open Letter to Milwaukee Talk Radio

Dear Talk Radio Hosts Mark Belling, Jay Weber, Charlie Sykes and Jeff Wagner.

Murphy’s Law: Crazy Casino Politics
Murphy’s Law

Crazy Casino Politics

Both Gov. Walker and Mary Burke have mishandled the Kenosha Casino issue.

The Roundup: Lautenschlager’s Fast Ones – Past Speeding Tickets Raise Residency Issues
The Roundup

Lautenschlager’s Fast Ones – Past Speeding Tickets Raise Residency Issues

Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager exploits a legal loophole.

Murphy’s Law: Is Nardelli Qualified To Be County Executive?
Murphy’s Law

Is Nardelli Qualified To Be County Executive?

Nothing should surprise us about county government at this point, but it does seem odd that the two favorites in the race for county executive are Scott Walker and Tom Nardelli, neither of whom has a college degree.

Murphy’s Law: Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?

In the wake of the pension controversy, County Executive F. Thomas Ament has attempted to woo the black community in hopes that strong support there might keep him in office.

Murphy’s Law: The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure
Murphy’s Law

The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure

There is bad smell surrounding the retirement of Sheriff Lev Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans are Dumping on Jim Doyle
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans are Dumping on Jim Doyle

Republicans are squirming about a state investigation of the legislative caucuses, and their attack dogs are going after Attorney General Jim Doyle to try to prevent it.

Murphy’s Law: Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral
Murphy’s Law

Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral

News reports have made much of the money raised by Ald. Marvin Pratt and Ald. Tom Nardelli, speculating about their chances for mayor.