David Armiak, research director for the Center for Media and Democracy.


Content referencing David Armiak

Conservative Wisconsin Law Firm Builds Ties with Local School Boards

Conservative Wisconsin Law Firm Builds Ties with Local School Boards

Waukesha board members attend WILL summit, quit WI Association of School Boards.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Trump’s Disinformation
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Trump’s Disinformation

Milwaukee group the biggest funder of war to stop social media from purging election lies.

Wisconsin Billionaires Bankroll Efforts To Shrink State’s Social Safety Net

Wisconsin Billionaires Bankroll Efforts To Shrink State’s Social Safety Net

Quiet lobbying backed by major GOP benefactors like the Uihleins and Bradley Foundation.

Your Right to Know: Officials Use Secret Portals to Hide Records
Your Right to Know

Officials Use Secret Portals to Hide Records

UW-Madison administration, Republican legislators use digital dodges to violate open records law.

Murphy’s Law: Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical
Murphy’s Law

Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical

The goal is to reelect Trump. Even if that means purging some Republican voters, too.

Attorney General Schimel Withholds Documents Related to His Legal War Against the Affordable Care Act
Press Release

Attorney General Schimel Withholds Documents Related to His Legal War Against the Affordable Care Act

CMD files suit to obtain public records from Wisconsin DOJ

Op-Ed: Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Their impact on Republican platform and candidates — all but Trump — was “huge!”