Content referencing Charles Bailey

Property Owners Seek to Cash In on RNC

Property Owners Seek to Cash In on RNC

Metro area homes asking up to $7,000 a night during Republican National Convention.

The Wolf On Broadway Restaurant Will Anchor Kinn Guesthouse

The Wolf On Broadway Restaurant Will Anchor Kinn Guesthouse

Downtown restaurant planned by Uncle Wolfie's owners.

Friday Photos: New Downtown Hotels Replace Aging Office Buildings
Friday Photos

New Downtown Hotels Replace Aging Office Buildings

Boutique hotels are replacing struggling office buildings.

Friday Photos: Construction Underway on New Downtown Hotel
Friday Photos

Construction Underway on New Downtown Hotel

Kinn MKE filling vacant building on Broadway and Michigan.

Plats and Parcels: Wangard Plans “Eagleknit” in Walker’s Point
Plats and Parcels

Wangard Plans “Eagleknit” in Walker’s Point

Plus: Action-packed week of real estate includes new apartments, downtown HQ and more pizza.

What’s It Worth?: Kinn Hotel’s Building Worth $1.5 Million
What’s It Worth?

Kinn Hotel’s Building Worth $1.5 Million

Future hotel's building has colorful history since 1868. And oh, can it handle heavy loads.

Kinn Hotel Plan Gets First Approval

Kinn Hotel Plan Gets First Approval

Plan for hotel on North Broadway gets historic preservation approval on third try.

Plats and Parcels: A Grand Update on The Avenue
Plats and Parcels

A Grand Update on The Avenue

Plus: downtown streetscaping improvements and lots of historic preservation news.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Kinn Hotel Proposal Downsized Again
Eyes on Milwaukee

Kinn Hotel Proposal Downsized Again

Addition now isn't visible from the street, addressing key concern of Historic Preservation Commission.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Kinn Hotel Plan Grows a Living Wall
Eyes on Milwaukee

Kinn Hotel Plan Grows a Living Wall

But area alderman Bob Bauman is likely to oppose project.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Proposed Downtown Hotel Loses Two Floors
Eyes on Milwaukee

Proposed Downtown Hotel Loses Two Floors

Change made to please historic commission, which still holds the project until next month.

Eyes on Milwaukee: New Downtown Boutique Hotel Planned
Eyes on Milwaukee

New Downtown Boutique Hotel Planned

Developer would add five floors to historic building, creating nine-story hotel.

Kinn micro-hotel eyes January open in Bay View’s KK business district
Press Release

Kinn micro-hotel eyes January open in Bay View’s KK business district

The location takes advantage of the walkable neighborhood and the many nearby dining, tavern and theater options.

Proposed Bay View ‘micro-hotel’ seeks $380,000 MEDC loan

Contribution to Tony Zielinski of $393

Now Serving: Restaurant Coming to New Bay View Hotel
Now Serving

Restaurant Coming to New Bay View Hotel

And Horny Goat bar will close after six years in business.

New micro-hotel planned for Bay View’s KK business district
Press Release

New micro-hotel planned for Bay View’s KK business district

Alderman Zielinski says upscale development to open next year

Prominent Bay View building to become a ‘micro-hotel,’ restaurant

Contribution to Tony Zielinski of $394