Content referencing Bob Lang

Forum announces Salute to Local Government award winners
Rep. Goyke Statement on Joint Finance Committee Appointment
Republicans Overstate Tax Cut’s Impact?

Republicans Overstate Tax Cut’s Impact?

Most taxpayers will get less than 'average savings' cited by GOP.

State Budget Surplus Dips… To $6.9 Billion

State Budget Surplus Dips… To $6.9 Billion

Legislative Fiscal Bureau finds tax revenues dropped by $365 million in 2022-23 fiscal year.

State Tax Revenues Exceed Expectations

State Tax Revenues Exceed Expectations

Wisconsin saw 12% revenue increase over previous year.

Whose Vision Will Prevail In Budget Battle?

Whose Vision Will Prevail In Budget Battle?

Republicans got their way in budget rewrite, but Evers' vetoes loom.

The State of Politics: Surplus Leaves Evers, Legislators Even Further Divided
The State of Politics

Surplus Leaves Evers, Legislators Even Further Divided

Unprecedented $4.4 billion surplus is huge opportunity. But for what?

State Now Projects $4.4 Billion Windfall

State Now Projects $4.4 Billion Windfall

Fiscal bureau projects far more tax revenue than expected for 2021-2023.

Can We Talk About Marijuana? Democrats Ask

Can We Talk About Marijuana? Democrats Ask

GOP legislative leader won’t allow a vote or even discussion of medical marijuana.

Evers Credited for Budget Surplus

Evers Credited for Budget Surplus

Federal stimulus money, new Foxconn contract, Evers call for state agency cuts all credited by nonpartisan analysis.

The State of Politics: State Budget Survives First COVID-19 Test
The State of Politics

State Budget Survives First COVID-19 Test

End of fiscal year budget total shows 1% gain. But more pandemic tests to come.

Right Wing Group Pushes Prison Reform

Right Wing Group Pushes Prison Reform

State can’t afford new prison, Badger Institute notes, so policymakers should look to reforms used by other states.

Far More Businesses Using Work Share

Far More Businesses Using Work Share

Up 17-fold in state since pandemic, as companies avoid layoffs by switching workers to part-time.

Evers Urges Legislators to Convene

Evers Urges Legislators to Convene

“We still need” state solutions to coming surge of COVID-19 patients, he warns.

Evers To Purchase Ventilators, Protective Equipment

Evers To Purchase Ventilators, Protective Equipment

Moves come after Republican lawmakers rejected a broad COVID-19 bill floated by Evers.

The State of Politics: State Surplus Will Help in Crisis
The State of Politics

State Surplus Will Help in Crisis

Evers veto of Republican tax cut saves expected surplus, means less financial stress.

Legislators Take No Action on Pandemic

Legislators Take No Action on Pandemic

Some states passing laws, funding, Vos and Fitzgerald say "no need" for Wisconsin Legislature to meet.

Legislature Approves Evers’ Transition Budget

Legislature Approves Evers’ Transition Budget

Unanimous vote okays $94,600 transition budget for hiring staff, travel expenses, equipment purchase.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Roads Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Roads Governor

Why would a Republican governor be as anti-highways as Scott Walker?

The State of Politics: Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly
The State of Politics

Property Taxes Will Rise Slightly

By 0.6%, but the tax has still dropped 3.9% since Walker took office.

The State of Politics: No Christmas In May For Republicans
The State of Politics

No Christmas In May For Republicans

Tax collections haven’t risen so GOP lawmakers may have to swallow Walker budget cuts they opposed.

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

The budget has a flock of non-financial items -- 58 in all -- that will quietly change state polices.