Wisconsin Public Radio

Republicans Reject Evers Entire Capital Budget

Republicans Reject Evers Entire Capital Budget

But plan could be revisited later in the budget process.

New Mass Vaccination Sites Open

New Mass Vaccination Sites Open

At Lambeau Field and UWM Student Union. Packers stadium can handle 6,000 shots per week.

Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

As polls show about 50% of GOP men will refuse vaccine, state’s Republican congressmen won’t speak out.

Senate Passes Bill To Prevent Rape Kit Backlog

Senate Passes Bill To Prevent Rape Kit Backlog

Bipartisan bill passed one year ago, but Assembly resisted.

Bipartisan Bill Targets Prescription Drugs

Bipartisan Bill Targets Prescription Drugs

Passed by both houses, aims to lower drug prices, goes to Evers for his signature.

1-Week Waiting Period Back for Jobless Benefits

1-Week Waiting Period Back for Jobless Benefits

Previous waiver signed into law by Gov. Evers has expired. Will Legislature act?

Studies Link Obesity and Severe COVID-19

Studies Link Obesity and Severe COVID-19

And 67% of Wisconsin adults are obese or overweight, state data shows.

Unemployment Aid Coming to State

Unemployment Aid Coming to State

Federal stimulus extends unemployment benefits to September, ups number of weeks recipients can get aid.

USDA Expands Pandemic School Meals

USDA Expands Pandemic School Meals

Schools will be able to serve free meals through summer and all of September.

Higher Education: Tech Schools See Big Enrollment Declines
Higher Education

Tech Schools See Big Enrollment Declines

Pandemic reduces enrollment nationally 10%, report says. State schools see similar trend.

State Regulators Investigating How To Reach 100% Clean Energy

State Regulators Investigating How To Reach 100% Clean Energy

The Public Service Commission plans to develop a roadmap to carbon-free energy production.

Stimulus Bill Provides Major Funding to Local Governments

Stimulus Bill Provides Major Funding to Local Governments

Bill will funnel millions into local services, housing assistance, health care, childcare tax credits and unemployment.