Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

Can Wellness Center Revive North Avenue?

Can Wellness Center Revive North Avenue?

Groundbreaking for new center at 16th and North shows impact of Walnut Way's leadership.

Avenue of Entrepreneurs

Avenue of Entrepreneurs

A new chocolate company is among the small businesses attracted to Lisbon Avenue.

South Side Organizing Committee Has New Director

South Side Organizing Committee Has New Director

Tammy Rivera replaces Steve Fendt, who was dismissed by board after 22 years of service.

Why Did Police Arrest Local Reporter?

Why Did Police Arrest Local Reporter?

Officers say they feared for their safety. Reporter says he feels threatened by police.

School Board Members Up for Re-election

School Board Members Up for Re-election

But only Jeff Spence and Board President Michael Bonds face opponents in spring election.

Helping Businesses in Harambee and Riverwest Neighborhoods

Helping Businesses in Harambee and Riverwest Neighborhoods

The non-profit Riverworks has become a key force in urban development, and will be part of Kresge grant won by GMC.

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Small Business Administration's "street-wise" MBA trains people to run their own businesses.

How a Business Improvement District Helped South Side

How a Business Improvement District Helped South Side

Tortilla shop and Indian eatery among those benefitting from BID serving S. 13th St.

Foreclosures Block by Block: Clarke Square
Foreclosures Block by Block

Clarke Square

On just one block of W. Mineral St., the homes lost 43 percent of their value. Overcoming the foreclosure problem is a slow process.

Foreclosures Block By Block: Layton Boulevard West
Foreclosures Block By Block

Layton Boulevard West

South side neighborhood battles problem of 48 foreclosed homes.

Foreclosures Block By Block: Five Neighborhoods With Foreclosure Problems
Foreclosures Block By Block

Five Neighborhoods With Foreclosure Problems

First in a series on five city neighborhoods that still have many foreclosed and abandoned homes.

Segregation Still Major Problem in Metro Area

Segregation Still Major Problem in Metro Area

More than four decades after Fair Housing Act, suburbs still unfriendly to poor and minorities.