
Op-Ed: A Conservative Take on State Transportation

A Conservative Take on State Transportation

Republicans say they need more money for roads, but the real problem is too much spending.

Eyes on Milwaukee: How to Bike from Milwaukee to Waukesha
Eyes on Milwaukee

How to Bike from Milwaukee to Waukesha

A downtown-to-downtown trek is an easy ride, a lot of fun and surprisingly interesting.

Op-Ed: Towards a Greater Bay View

Towards a Greater Bay View

Neighborhoods west of I-94 need better connections to Bay View, which would improve entire area.

Murphy’s Law: Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?
Murphy’s Law

Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?

The idea is very unsexy, yet has gained amazingly wide support.

Bike Czar: Train, Train, Train, Train
Bike Czar

Train, Train, Train, Train

Photos, story of fourth annual ride to St. Paul by train and three-day bike ride back.

Op-Ed: Walker’s High Speed Folly

Walker’s High Speed Folly

Was governor’s biggest mistake turning down federal money for high speed rail?

Murphy’s Law: How to Destroy a Transit System
Murphy’s Law

How to Destroy a Transit System

County board's free bus ride program triggers huge deficits that could overwhelm system.

Bike Czar: The Ride to Door County
Bike Czar

The Ride to Door County

Riders from across the state cycled 70 miles (or less) in final Spring Classic.

Bublr of the Month: Megan Gaus of VISIT Milwaukee
Bublr of the Month

Megan Gaus of VISIT Milwaukee

She uses Bublr Bikes to get to meetings and just for strolling around town like a tourist.

Bike Czar: Amtrak Now Allows Bikes For $5
Bike Czar

Amtrak Now Allows Bikes For $5

No more boxing and folding bikes. Hiawatha line to Chicago now has 15 bike racks.

Bike Czar: A Rough Ride to Denmark
Bike Czar

A Rough Ride to Denmark

The wind was blowing half a pelican for our ride from Green Bay to Denmark, WI.

What Will Happen To Route 61?

What Will Happen To Route 61?

One of three bus routes connecting inner city workers to suburban jobs, its funding may run out.