
Transportation: Car Free, South Side Streets on Saturday

Car Free, South Side Streets on Saturday

Ciclovia MKE returns. Mix and mingle, walk or go for a bike ride on September 14th.

City Tops in TIF Money for Streetcar

City Tops in TIF Money for Streetcar

State tax system forced Milwaukee’s dependence on TIF, WPF report finds.

Transportation: The Hop Records 80,113 Rides in August

The Hop Records 80,113 Rides in August

Third best month on record, but down from July high.

Transportation: City Struggles on Couture Streetcar Extension

City Struggles on Couture Streetcar Extension

As project drags, officials to meet with Federal Transit Administration to discuss options.

Deaths From Running Red Lights Rising

Deaths From Running Red Lights Rising

Up nationally but Wisconsin “has one of the worst increases.”

State’s Smaller Cities Embrace Bike Share

State’s Smaller Cities Embrace Bike Share

Wisconsin Rapids leads the way. City of 18,000 has logged 1,000 rides.

Transportation: Lime Unveils ‘Group Ride’ Scooters

Lime Unveils ‘Group Ride’ Scooters

To provide "more joy," Lime now allows a single user to unlock multiple scooters.

Transportation: Could Federal Grant Have Saved Bus Routes?

Could Federal Grant Have Saved Bus Routes?

Some question how Abele administration used federal grant money.

Transportation: Bus Union Authorizes a Strike

Bus Union Authorizes a Strike

The union votes no on MCTS' final contract offer, gives leadership power to call strike.

Transportation: Bus Union Threatens Strike By Friday

Bus Union Threatens Strike By Friday

Union leader predicts a strike, but some workers likely to favor contract being offered.

Transportation: Bus Union’s Budget Claims Disputed

Bus Union’s Budget Claims Disputed

Its claim that MCTS has big annual surpluses misrepresents the budget, comptroller says.

Lack of Freight Trains Damaging Roads?

Lack of Freight Trains Damaging Roads?

More freight trains could remove 350,000 trucks from northern Wisconsin roads, analysis finds.