Plenty of Horne

Plenty of Horne: Third Ward Firehouse Conversion Approved
Plenty of Horne

Third Ward Firehouse Conversion Approved

1915 riverfront building at foot of Water Street Bridge to become three unit "family retreat."

Plenty of Horne: Will Historic Home Be Saved?
Plenty of Horne

Will Historic Home Be Saved?

St. Rita's development could destroy 1875 building by architect James Douglas.

Plenty of Horne: Sprecher Moves to Walker’s Point
Plenty of Horne

Sprecher Moves to Walker’s Point

Returning to its roots, Sprecher taproom will be in old facility of failed Brenner Brewing.

Plenty of Horne: Wherehouse, Hot Water Bars Selling
Plenty of Horne

Wherehouse, Hot Water Bars Selling

New owners will house Boone & Crockett, Gypsy Taco and Pedal Tavern there.

Plenty of Horne: Work Begins on Third Saint John’s Tower
Plenty of Horne

Work Begins on Third Saint John’s Tower

New 22-story, $123 million tower for senior housing and care facility on Prospect.

Plenty of Horne: More Development In East Village
Plenty of Horne

More Development In East Village

First home to be razed in 2018, on E. Kane Pl., getting replaced by three-story duplex.

Plenty of Horne: Judge John DiMotto to Retire
Plenty of Horne

Judge John DiMotto to Retire

One of state's top-rated circuit court judges retiring after a 42-year career.

Plenty of Horne: Harbor District Plans Unveiled
Plenty of Horne

Harbor District Plans Unveiled

Plan would redevelop 888 acres, create $864 million in property development and 5,663 new jobs.

Plenty of Horne: How Will Streetcar Stops Be Designed?
Plenty of Horne

How Will Streetcar Stops Be Designed?

Third Ward board reviews possible styles.

Plenty of Horne: Amtrak Rolls Out New Locomotives
Plenty of Horne

Amtrak Rolls Out New Locomotives

And new branding. And connecting trains in Chicago have increased their speed.

Plenty of Horne: Second Thoughts on Brady Street Building
Plenty of Horne

Second Thoughts on Brady Street Building

At meeting of neighborhood residents some push for a park, but idea doesn't carry the day.

Plenty of Horne: Condo Plan Okayed for Third Ward
Plenty of Horne

Condo Plan Okayed for Third Ward

A 13-unit complex, though the pediments were questioned. And more Ice Bars coming!