MKE County
Group Pushes Higher Wheel Tax for Transit
Higher vehicle licensing fee pushed as County Transit System considers 10% budget cut.
May 23rd, 2019 by Ana Martinez-Ortiz, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceJoblines Bus Will End After August
Funding for bus to Waukesha County jobs ending and Waukesha doesn't seem to care.
May 22nd, 2019 by Graham Kilmer“Think Big!” Domes Task Force Is Told
Consultant hired by county offers bold new vision for the domes and Mitchell Park.
May 15th, 2019 by Graham KilmerTransit System Plans 10% Service Cut
"Out of local funding options” says MCTS leader. Union pressed for benefit givebacks.
May 8th, 2019 by Graham KilmerBoard Condemns We Energies Discharge Permit
DNR could allow small variance in mercury discharged. County board, Sierra Club object.
Apr 26th, 2019 by Graham KilmerCould The County Clone Hemp Plants?
Report on county growing hemp is not positive. But expert says the study all wrong.
Apr 24th, 2019 by Graham KilmerBus Drivers Union Assails MCTS Leaders
"The fight is on," says union leader, as labor negotiations hit wall over health care coverage.
Apr 15th, 2019 by Graham KilmerRegister of Deeds John La Fave Retires
Announcement comes two months after FBI raid of his office.
Apr 9th, 2019 by Jeramey JanneneGreen Group’s Washington Park Plan Proceeds
With county board approval of long-term lease, Urban Ecology Center will expand facilities, services.
Mar 28th, 2019 by Analise Pruni, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceThe Ugly Record of Armor Health
Why the county had to replace the company handling the county jail.
Mar 26th, 2019 by Isiah HolmesCounty “Creating a Hospital” for Its Jails?
Board begins work on costly inmate medical program for county jail, House of Correction.
Mar 25th, 2019 by Graham KilmerNew Effort Provides Doulas to 100 Women
County funding of $52,000 would provide doulas to help pregnant women in 53206 ZIP code.
Mar 20th, 2019 by Corrinne Hess, Wisconsin Public Radio