City Hall

Rep. Brostoff Will Run For Aldermanic Seat

Rep. Brostoff Will Run For Aldermanic Seat

Jonathan Brostoff will seek seat being vacated by Nik Kovac and won't run for re-election to State Assembly.

Perez Elected Common Council President

Perez Elected Common Council President

Ald. Jose Perez is first Latino to lead council. Fills vacancy created by Johnson's election as mayor.

City Hall: Ald. Kovac Named Budget Director, Will Resign Council Seat
City Hall

Ald. Kovac Named Budget Director, Will Resign Council Seat

Kovac has represented the East Side and Riverwest since 2008.

City Hall: City Braces For More Lawsuit Settlements
City Hall

City Braces For More Lawsuit Settlements

Unusual number of claims by this early in the year. City may transfer $850,00 into settlements account.

City Hall: Federal Grant Could Help Stave Off 1,300 Layoffs
City Hall

Federal Grant Could Help Stave Off 1,300 Layoffs

But only for a couple years. Milwaukee still needs state help.

City Hall: DNS Could Drop City Attorney, Hire Its Own
City Hall

DNS Could Drop City Attorney, Hire Its Own

Council debates, then holds off proposal to help Department of Neighborhood Services.

City Hall: Should Milwaukee Add Jackpot Tax?
City Hall

Should Milwaukee Add Jackpot Tax?

Ald. Borkowski pushes 1% tax of all jackpots of at least $1,200 won at Potawatomi casino.

City Hall: New Assessments Hike Residential Values By 17.7%
City Hall

New Assessments Hike Residential Values By 17.7%

Property values surging across the entire city, but won't necessary mean a tax increase.

Honorary Street Name For Lena’s Food Co-Founder

Honorary Street Name For Lena’s Food Co-Founder

City honoring late entrepreneur Bezelee Martin.

City Hall: Bree Spencer Added to Police-Fire Board
City Hall

Bree Spencer Added to Police-Fire Board

East Side resident works for national civil rights group, previously worked at Safe & Sound.

City Hall: Lead Program Investigation Closed Without Criminal Charges
City Hall

Lead Program Investigation Closed Without Criminal Charges

But investigation confirms program was mismanaged.

City Hall: Former Police Captain Wins $350,000 Settlement
City Hall

Former Police Captain Wins $350,000 Settlement

Andra Williams charges discrimination after being rejected for two manager jobs.