Real Estate

NEWaukeean of the Week: Mila Merchan
NEWaukeean of the Week

Mila Merchan

"Milwaukee has become home and there really is no place I’d rather be."

Plats and Parcels: St. James Saved By Tax Credits
Plats and Parcels

St. James Saved By Tax Credits

Jeffers credits tax credits for saving historic downtown parish hall.

Op Ed: Why the Domes Must Be Saved
Op Ed

Why the Domes Must Be Saved

The repair cost is less than first projected. They’re a national treasure and local landmark.

Friday Photos: Milwaukee’s First Protected Bike Lanes
Friday Photos

Milwaukee’s First Protected Bike Lanes

Two bridges receive special infrastructure for bicyclists.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Symphony Breaks Ground on New Hall
Eyes on Milwaukee

Symphony Breaks Ground on New Hall

$89 million music hall means "rebirth of a neighborhood" and "rebirth of the symphony."

Home Prices Rising Across State

Home Prices Rising Across State

Shortage of homes for sale pushing up prices, 8 percent increase last month.

City Hall: Adam Schlicht Confirmed as Port Director
City Hall

Adam Schlicht Confirmed as Port Director

New director envisions growing the port through international marketing, diversification.

City Wins $30,000 Grant for Parks

City Wins $30,000 Grant for Parks

Ald. Murphy's MKE Plays program has raised $1.7 million for parks since 2015.

What Would Jane Jacobs Do?

What Would Jane Jacobs Do?

10 takeaways from a visiting expert on the legendary urbanist.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Streetcar Starts Widespread Testing
Eyes on Milwaukee

Streetcar Starts Widespread Testing

Watch out, vehicle is now cruising along city streets across Downtown.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Rebuilding a Vibrant Bronzeville
Eyes on Milwaukee

Rebuilding a Vibrant Bronzeville

Actor Danny Glover and many local notables celebrate new development anchored by Black Holocaust Museum.

House Confidential: Famed Arts Teacher Elsa Ulbricht’s Home
House Confidential

Famed Arts Teacher Elsa Ulbricht’s Home

She lived in Ferry & Clas home for 86 years, created nationally known New Deal art project.