Real Estate

Dining: Pepper Pot Coming to Harambee

Pepper Pot Coming to Harambee

City panel okays sale of building. MLK Dr. location the second for restaurateur Dwight Jackson.

City’s New Horse Stables Break Ground

City’s New Horse Stables Break Ground

MKE Urban Stables to house police department's mounted patrol, offer equine therapy.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Says Marcus Center Isn’t Historic
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Says Marcus Center Isn’t Historic

City committee overrules Historic Preservation Commission. Full Common Council up next.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Harbor District Apartment Plan Advances
Eyes on Milwaukee

Harbor District Apartment Plan Advances

Proposed 200-unit apartment complex targets employees at new Harbor District firms.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Okays City Funds for Ikon Hotel
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Okays City Funds for Ikon Hotel

One MKE Plaza proposal for old Sears site on North Ave. gets first city approval.

Eyes on Milwaukee: MSOE To Redevelop Oldest Residence Hall
Eyes on Milwaukee

MSOE To Redevelop Oldest Residence Hall

Aging Johnson Hall will become Hermann Viets Tower, gain glassy, southern addition.

Plats and Parcels: Park East Land Back on the Market
Plats and Parcels

Park East Land Back on the Market

Plus: Milwaukee Athletic Club redevelopment advances, Oriental Theatre project hits next phase.

Friday Photos: Arbor Day Edition
Friday Photos

Arbor Day Edition

Mayor, MPS Superintendent, 4th graders plant 32 trees at Ohio Playfield.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Mitchell St. Group Wins YP Week Contest
Eyes on Milwaukee

Mitchell St. Group Wins YP Week Contest

Civic/business group wins $5,000 for plan to turn Modjeska Theatre into community center.

Op Ed: Teaching UWM Students About a City
Op Ed

Teaching UWM Students About a City

“Focus on the Future” tour, on spring break, is an eye-opening look at Milwaukee.

Dining: Jamaican Place Planned for MLK Drive

Jamaican Place Planned for MLK Drive

Pepper Pot to buy building from city, invest $920,000 in restaurant, catering operation.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Tour Milwaukee’s Eco Neighborhood
Eyes on Milwaukee

Tour Milwaukee’s Eco Neighborhood

Online map highlights points of interest in blossoming Lindsay Heights area.