Public Safety

Murphy’s Law: Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?

And a possible running mate? Atlantic Mag charts the rising star of Milwaukee’s sheriff.

Crowd Gathers for Justice, Better Policing

Crowd Gathers for Justice, Better Policing

Two years after Dontre Hamilton’s death, his family and supporters march to demand changes.

Crime Should Be “Number One” Issue

Crime Should Be “Number One” Issue

Panel of experts discusses research on racial inequality and violence in urban areas.

Former Cop Helps Domestic Violence Victims

Former Cop Helps Domestic Violence Victims

Rhondi Love is liaison between police and victims staying at Sojourner Center.

YP Week: Building a Safer Milwaukee
YP Week

Building a Safer Milwaukee

Crime is a big issue for Millennials, who may have tough questions for Barrett and Flynn.

Crime Rate Like “a Third World Country”

Crime Rate Like “a Third World Country”

Officials at Greater Milwaukee Committee call for solutions to homicides, juvenile crime.

Tainted Water: Two State Prisons Have Lead-Tainted Water
Tainted Water

Two State Prisons Have Lead-Tainted Water

Officials say they comply with federal drinking water standards, but others question whether it’s safe.

Black Leaders Talk About Barrett

Black Leaders Talk About Barrett

How has the mayor succeeded -- and failed -- in serving African American neighborhoods.

Young Ex-Con Champions Criminal Justice Reform

Young Ex-Con Champions Criminal Justice Reform

Leader of UWM student group, Community Uprise, advocates for felons convicted of nonviolent offenses.

Wisconsin Budget: Legislators Made Criminal Justice Reforms
Wisconsin Budget

Legislators Made Criminal Justice Reforms

They “banned the box” for employees, increased alternatives to prison, upped penalties for drunk driving.

Blacks Bear Brunt of Pot Arrests

Blacks Bear Brunt of Pot Arrests

New study shows blacks are 39% of city’s population but 72% of arrests for marijuana possession.

Community Must Respond to Gun Violence

Community Must Respond to Gun Violence

So say the speakers at Neighborhood House summit, discussing rise of gun violence in the city.