Public Safety

Small Grants Program Has Big Impact

Small Grants Program Has Big Impact

Community Connections program gives grants to 57 projects in many different neighborhoods.

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Janel Brandtjen

Republican lawmaker is angry about crime in the city. Here’s how she could help.

Data Wonk: Murder in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Murder in Milwaukee

What do the statistics tell us about homicides and why they happen?

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Hamilton and 11 other aldermen call for “holistic approach” to gun violence.

Cruel and Unusual: Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement
Cruel and Unusual

Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement

Some states banned it but not Wisconsin. Waupun inmates plan strike beginning June 10.

Gun Violence Rally Calls for Change

Gun Violence Rally Calls for Change

Politicians, citizens decry problem in Milwaukee, which saw spike in gun violence last year.

Your Right to Know: Court Restores Public Access to Accident Reports
Your Right to Know

Court Restores Public Access to Accident Reports

Police were heavily redacting reports, based on faulty interpretation of law, court rules.

Precious Lives: A Debate Over Lincoln Hills Problems
Precious Lives

A Debate Over Lincoln Hills Problems

Critics of trauma-informed care say it led to problems, others say it wasn’t fully implemented.

Precious Lives: Trauma-Informed Care Helps Heal Victims
Precious Lives

Trauma-Informed Care Helps Heal Victims

Approach focuses on victims of childhood trauma, which can help in rehabilitating criminals.

Murphy’s Law: Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?

And a possible running mate? Atlantic Mag charts the rising star of Milwaukee’s sheriff.

Crowd Gathers for Justice, Better Policing

Crowd Gathers for Justice, Better Policing

Two years after Dontre Hamilton’s death, his family and supporters march to demand changes.

Crime Should Be “Number One” Issue

Crime Should Be “Number One” Issue

Panel of experts discusses research on racial inequality and violence in urban areas.