
The devil is in the details:What’s in the bill?
The devil is in the details

What’s in the bill?

Madison has been under siege for a week over the proposed weakening of employee unions. But what's in that bill that we're not talking about?

Commentary: Movies for Senators

Movies for Senators

Conservative guest commentator Rick Esenberg offers a roster of must-watch movies for senators on the lam.

Scott Walker’s rubber stamps: highlight, tweak, copy, paste
Scott Walker’s rubber stamps

highlight, tweak, copy, paste

Liberal guest commentator James Rowen compares budget bill remarks from two Republican Senators. Are they speaking from the heart or reading cue cards?

Madison protests: Unions and Tea Party march on the Capitol Saturday
Madison protests

Unions and Tea Party march on the Capitol Saturday

Lawmakers head home for the weekend, but protesters and supporters continue to make their voices heard.

Survey: How will Wisconsin’s budget battle end?

How will Wisconsin’s budget battle end?

It may be too early to call, but if you had to predict the outcome of the current budget battle in Madison, what would it be? Vote here.

Wisconsin Assembly GOP calls session early to block debate

Wisconsin Assembly GOP calls session early to block debate

Democrats told of 5:00 start: GOP calls order at 4:55 and tries to rush vote. Majority Leader Fitzgerald: "I didn't think you would come."

Jesse Jackson attends protests; Assembly Dems plan amendments

Jesse Jackson attends protests; Assembly Dems plan amendments

The siege on Madison continues as national unions, MPS teachers and Jesse Jackson come out to protest the loss of collective bargaining.

Senate Democrats don’t show, stall vote on Walker’s budget repair bill

Senate Democrats don’t show, stall vote on Walker’s budget repair bill

State Democratic Senators demand Walker remove language that ends collective bargaining before they will return to floor for a vote.

The day in protest: Photos from Madison, UWM
The day in protest

Photos from Madison, UWM

UPDATED: TCD has reporters and photographers in both Madison and at UWM. Here are dramatic images from both. Feel free to share - just source us.

Scenes from the hill: Protesters descend on Madison
Scenes from the hill

Protesters descend on Madison

TCD's Ryan Findley with pictures and thoughts on Wednesday's protests and an overview of today's likely events.

Durst: 100 Years of Reagan

100 Years of Reagan

Before we get all nostalgic over the Gipper's 100th birth anniversary, let us not forget that the Father of Modern Conservatism was not Saint Ronny.

County Executive race: primary election results
County Executive race

primary election results

With little campaigning Jeff Stone comes out on top; Chris Abele narrowly wins second place in the County Executive showdown.